When a beloved pet dies

Healing Your Heart After Pet Loss
“There is nothing more we can do for him,” said the vet. “His body is shutting down, and it wouldn’t be fair to him to let him suffer.”
I will never forget that day, standing in the vet’s office with our cat, Pittiput

It was as I had feared, but I still felt as if my world was falling to pieces and that part of me died right there. It was hard to comprehend that our precious orange cat, Pittiput, whom we had known and loved for 10 years, wouldn’t be with us much longer.

The vet wanted to euthanize Pittiput right away, but fortunately I had enough presence to say that I wanted it to take place at home, so Pittiput could be in his familiar surroundings and so I could have a chance to say goodbye. The vet was kind enough to accommodate me, and we arranged he would come home to us a little less than 5 hours later.

I walked home from the vet, carrying Pittiput in his carrier. It was a ½ hour walk, and I cried all the way home. Fortunately there was nobody around, so Pittiput and I could be in peace. I stopped to sit on a bench and connect with him, telling him what was going on and how much we loved him. It was a beautiful sunny morning in June, and I made sure Pittiput got one last chance to feel the sun and sniff the fresh air.

When I got home, I called my husband, who was at work, to tell him the bad news. He, naturally, was devastated and he had to struggle to make it through the day at work without breaking down. Those hours waiting for the vet were very tough, but I was happy that I had insisted on home euthanasia to get the time to say goodbye properly to Pittiput. I spent those hours using everything I knew to be present, to connect with him, to express my gratitude and my love for him. The vet arrived, and everything seemed to be over too quickly.

While I was waiting for my husband to come home and say his goodbyes to Pittiput, our other cats came by to sniff and look at him – and say their own goodbyes.

We buried him in our garden and held a small memorial ceremony. We miss him very much but keep the fond memories of him alive in our hearts.

The beginning of Healing Pet Loss

By experiencing and dealing with the loss of an animal companion firsthand and through helping others heal after losing a trusted friend, I have gained many insights and have created and developed techniques, strategies and exercises for dealing with and healing after the loss of an animal companion. When Pittiput died, I decided – in honor of him and the other wonderful animal companions I have had throughout the years – to use my experience and skills and created HealingPetLoss.com so I can reach out and help others who have lost a beloved animal companion and need understanding, comfort and guidance through the challenging period after the death of their companion.

While a loss so significant is not something you just ‘get over’, I’m here to give you hope that your loss and grief will be bearable and that you will be able to live with your loss, while keeping the love alive in your heart.

About Marianne

MarianneSoucy-162x162-edited Marianne Soucy is the founder of HealingPetLoss.com and host of the Healing Pet Loss Podcast. She is a bestselling author, life coach, and a shamanic practitioner since 1997. Marianne connects with spirit guides and pets in the afterlife through her Sacred Spirit Journeys to obtain healing, guidance, and empowerment for her clients. Marianne’s personal experience with pet loss combined with wisdom and insights from her long-term spiritual practices and ongoing research has enabled her to develop highly effective practical techniques for healing pet loss. Marianne specializes in connecting with pets in the afterlife and bringing back their healing messages for their human companions.

Marianne is the author of:

“Healing Pet Loss: Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides”  Learn more.

“From Grief to Gratitude after Pet Loss: Healing Messages and Guidance from Pets in the Afterlife”  Learn more.

“The Healing Pet Loss 2-Letter Writing Technique: Workbook with Instructions and Examples of letters to and from Pets in the Afterlife”  Learn more.

“Healing Pet Loss Guilt: Helpful Techniques & Messages from Pets in the Afterlife” Learn more.

Subscribe to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast in iTunes.

Podcast review

Beautifully healing! 5 star review
Dear Marianne, These episodes are so lovely and my husband and I are finding some comfort after listening to your insights! I will definitely recommend this podcast to every one who has lost a pet. Thank you so much for sharing your comforting messages. ~ Irena Geller

Work personally with Marianne

If you wish to work personally with Marianne, go to Marianne’s paid services which include pet loss support and communication with pets in the afterlife as well as living pets.
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