A cat’s view on death & tips for living after pet loss


Did you ever wish you could hear directly from your deceased pet about how they experienced their moment of death and after?

In this article I share a message I received from my beloved cat Kia a few days after she had died. In this message she describes briefly and beautifully, how she experienced her own passing. She then continues with some sage advice on how to live our lives.

May Kia’s words help you heal after the loss of your animal companion and give you inspiration for living after your loss.

 My angel cat KiaM:
Kia, my beautiful one. Can you tell me how you are doing? And can you tell me how the moment of death was for you?

[My heart opens, and from the vast heart space a “world” pours out – a beautiful landscape with clear fresh air and the smell of flowers – and Kia sitting before me, facing me.]

Since I’m in your heart, I’m doing fine. It’s the best place for me to be right now.

At the time of death, when the moment of fear and darkness passes, a new world appears – a world of light and love, and a feeling of strength. A freedom and lightness of being, where everything seems so easy. I wonder why we had all that fear?

Learn to live in the physical world without fear, so you can appreciate it while you still have your physical body and senses.

My spiritual connection with you is as strong as ever, but I miss the physical contact: you touching me, holding me, or just being close to you.

Don’t waste the gifts you have been given by the universe.

Walk the Earth with soft steps, touching everyone you meet with your love.

Love is the best remedy for fear.

Thank you, Kia.

Action steps

1) Which one of Kia’s messages above resonates most with you and your current situation?

2) In her message above Kia says: “Don’t waste the gifts you have been given by the universe.”  Which steps can you take today to use your gifts?

Do you know what your gifts are? If not, maybe this next period can be a journey of discovery for you?

Finding and expressing your unique gifts and sharing them with the world is a wonderful way to honor your pet’s legacy.

For more inspiration and tips on your journey through life after pet loss, sign up with your email in the form below to receive the Healing Pet Loss newsletter.


  1. Claudia Gibson says

    Thank you so much for this lovely post, which I found very helpful after the death of my 11 year old kitty May, 2 days ago. May had been getting sicker and sicker for months. The vets finally determined that she had a fungal infection, but treatment was ineffective. When she was very close to death, I brought her to the vet and had her put down. I always feel bad when I do that, like I am playing God. But this time, right after I decided, I texted my husband, who was still at work about my sad decision. I noticed after I texted him that the capital letter “M” had been added to the end of my own text message. I said to my husband, that’s odd, I didn’t text that, and he said, she’s giving us a message. That night at home, he was cleaning out from under the bed, where May had taken to resting during her last couple days on Earth. He found an old silver chain of mine, one I hadn’t seen for a very long time. It was right on the spot where May had been resting. The odd thing is, we had rearranged the bedroom a couple months previous, and that chain was not there. He had also cleaned out that area the night before, when May had gone on the towel we put down there. I cleaned it up and wore the chain yesterday, strung with an amber heart I had given to my late mom several years ago (she passed away this past June). Since these signs seem to come in threes, I am awaiting the next. I read a Buddhist belief page yesterday that said the animal spirit may hang around its home for 7 days after the death. I miss our special girl very much, but hope to have one more sign that it was her time and that she is at peace. She is in our hearts forever.,

  2. My cat bluey of 17.5 years was put to sleep over 3 weeks ago it was hard to cope with her death but strangest thing was, after I took her body home, I felt really peaceful, I said to myself it doesn’t feel right because I never wanted to let Blue go, I wanted her to stay with us I really loved her and I still do, she was my rock she was my life. A week later after her passing I felt overwhelming feeling of peace and happniess lasted about 5 – 10 minutes, I had a feeling Bluey was telling me she is ok and happy. Could this be true ?

  3. TruckerT says

    Thank you for sharing this! Such wise thoughts of encouragement. I’ve often wondered what messages my cats Ella and KittyHawk would send me if I were able to receive them directly and with such clarity as you have from Kia. I believe I have received something more like feelings from them, and like Kia’s message they seemed to be comforting me each in their own way.

  4. What a great article and message for all of us! I am glad you were able to connect like that with your precious Kia…

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