Very often, an animal has a very clear purpose or mission in life, and this is clearly shown in Prince’s message. I did this journey on January 21, 2023.
You can both listen to and read Prince’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean,
Goodpods, Podfriend, Castro, Player FM
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Prince, I become fully present here where I am. Listening to the sounds and filling my whole body with awareness.
As I then add gratitude, the peace gets deeper. I add Prince to my focus as I call on him silently within myself.
I am a bit surprised as Prince calmly comes walking towards me and jumps up my lap.
I hold Prince and feel his soft fur. As I continue to get more present, aware and focused, Prince sits patiently, radiating love, peace, and light. He looks at me with a friendly face, smiles, and says:
“Follow me.”
Prince jumps down and starts walking.
I follow him.
Interestingly, I notice that as he walks, the scene shifts from the physical reality here, to his afterlife landscape.
As he walks, Prince says:
“Generally, joy, laughter, play are my big things, but I am so much more.
In order to hold the love, the light, and the joy on a continual basis as I did – and still do, there has to be deep peace within, and clarity of purpose. The peace comes from the clarity of purpose.
I always knew that sharing love and joy, uplifting others is part of my life’s purpose, and that gave me the strength and the ability to be and share joy.
I am so grateful to Jen and the others for including me in their family. For giving me a home where my special gifts were appreciated, and where I was taken good care of.
I don’t regret anything in my past. It would not serve any purpose to do so, but I hope that I have spread joy and uplifted those around me who needed it. Their life wasn’t easy either. I wish them peace and joy. May they walk with awareness and compassion.
We’re all here to love, and to learn.”
Prince stops speaking and I pay more attention to the surrounding landscape.
We are on what looks like a country road lined with big beautiful trees on each side.
I realize that it is the same path I walked in journeys I did for other dogs that had a strong sense of purpose and mission like Prince has.
In addition to Prince’s need or purpose to share love, there is a strong feeling of soul connection.
An angel dog named Rex whom I previously journeyed for (you can find one of his journeys on and in my book “Healing Pet Loss”), suddenly comes running and greets Prince with much joy, like they are old friends.
“We are,” they both say, and run around us and play for a while.
Prince comes back, radiating joy, life and strength. He is in great shape.
“Yes, I am, it is time to see Jen,” Prince says.
We go off to the side, and enter a small secluded private garden. It is beautiful and peaceful here, with many flowers.
We see a hammock hanging between two trees. Jen is lying in the hammock looking up at the trees, watching the sunlight playing on the leaves.
Prince announces his arrival with a little woof. Jen raises her head in surprise. As she sees him, a big smile spreads on her face.
“I have been hoping to connect with you, but didn’t know if it was possible.”
Prince says: “Well, here I am.”
Prince jumps up to her in the hammock and walks up to give her some kisses.
Jen laughs and says: “It’s so good to see you.”
Prince says:
“I am so happy to see you too. As you can see I’m doing great. Your faithful love made the passing easy.
Thank you to you all for the good life we shared. It was a full life, a life where we gave place for joy.
No matter how tough life sometimes gets, invite joy into your life still. That can give you the strength to walk the hard road.
Take time to celebrate my life, our life.
Share memories with each other, and know that in your hearts, our love and the joy we share live still.
That little flame I kindled in your hearts is burning brightly as you move forward in your life, and I will walk beside you, keeping you on the path of joy, peace, and love.
When you look for signs, don’t look far, for I am close.
As I shared in the beginning of the journey, move into peace – or let me help you, if you cannot seem to.
In that peace, where you are safe in my love, peace and joy will fill you.
When I talk about making space for joy and peace, I don’t mean only without, but especially within.”
Prince then stands up and looks out towards the path outside the garden. There is a little opening between the leaves.
We then see a big white horse walk by. We see only the neck and part of the body, so it could possibly be a unicorn.
Prince says:
“Keep an eye out for more visits or encounters like this.
This one can also be helpful to you on your path ahead.
You go back to rest again, and when you wake up, you are home.
I will be off on adventures for now, but I’ll be back.
Think of me or call on me, and I will be by your side.
Give my love and my blessings to the others. I love them very much too.
Until we meet again.”
They say a warm goodbye, and Jen waves to Prince as he runs outside the garden.
I ask my spirit guide of there’s anything else we need to do.
He says, “No, they will be fine.”
I give thanks and end the journey.
Client testimonial:
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.
Learn more.
As I then add gratitude, the peace gets deeper. I add Prince to my focus as I call on him silently within myself.
I am a bit surprised as Prince calmly comes walking towards me and jumps up my lap.
I hold Prince and feel his soft fur. As I continue to get more present, aware and focused, Prince sits patiently, radiating love, peace, and light. He looks at me with a friendly face, smiles, and says:
“Follow me.”
Prince jumps down and starts walking.
I follow him.
Interestingly, I notice that as he walks, the scene shifts from the physical reality here, to his afterlife landscape.
As he walks, Prince says:
“Generally, joy, laughter, play are my big things, but I am so much more.
In order to hold the love, the light, and the joy on a continual basis as I did – and still do, there has to be deep peace within, and clarity of purpose. The peace comes from the clarity of purpose.
I always knew that sharing love and joy, uplifting others is part of my life’s purpose, and that gave me the strength and the ability to be and share joy.
I am so grateful to Jen and the others for including me in their family. For giving me a home where my special gifts were appreciated, and where I was taken good care of.
I don’t regret anything in my past. It would not serve any purpose to do so, but I hope that I have spread joy and uplifted those around me who needed it. Their life wasn’t easy either. I wish them peace and joy. May they walk with awareness and compassion.
We’re all here to love, and to learn.”
Prince stops speaking and I pay more attention to the surrounding landscape.
We are on what looks like a country road lined with big beautiful trees on each side.
I realize that it is the same path I walked in journeys I did for other dogs that had a strong sense of purpose and mission like Prince has.
In addition to Prince’s need or purpose to share love, there is a strong feeling of soul connection.
An angel dog named Rex whom I previously journeyed for (you can find one of his journeys on and in my book “Healing Pet Loss”), suddenly comes running and greets Prince with much joy, like they are old friends.
“We are,” they both say, and run around us and play for a while.
Prince comes back, radiating joy, life and strength. He is in great shape.
“Yes, I am, it is time to see Jen,” Prince says.
We go off to the side, and enter a small secluded private garden. It is beautiful and peaceful here, with many flowers.
We see a hammock hanging between two trees. Jen is lying in the hammock looking up at the trees, watching the sunlight playing on the leaves.
Prince announces his arrival with a little woof. Jen raises her head in surprise. As she sees him, a big smile spreads on her face.
“I have been hoping to connect with you, but didn’t know if it was possible.”
Prince says: “Well, here I am.”
Prince jumps up to her in the hammock and walks up to give her some kisses.
Jen laughs and says: “It’s so good to see you.”
Prince says:
“I am so happy to see you too. As you can see I’m doing great. Your faithful love made the passing easy.

Thank you to you all for the good life we shared. It was a full life, a life where we gave place for joy.
No matter how tough life sometimes gets, invite joy into your life still. That can give you the strength to walk the hard road.
Take time to celebrate my life, our life.
Share memories with each other, and know that in your hearts, our love and the joy we share live still.

That little flame I kindled in your hearts is burning brightly as you move forward in your life, and I will walk beside you, keeping you on the path of joy, peace, and love.
When you look for signs, don’t look far, for I am close.
As I shared in the beginning of the journey, move into peace – or let me help you, if you cannot seem to.
In that peace, where you are safe in my love, peace and joy will fill you.
When I talk about making space for joy and peace, I don’t mean only without, but especially within.”
Prince then stands up and looks out towards the path outside the garden. There is a little opening between the leaves.
We then see a big white horse walk by. We see only the neck and part of the body, so it could possibly be a unicorn.
Prince says:
“Keep an eye out for more visits or encounters like this.
This one can also be helpful to you on your path ahead.
You go back to rest again, and when you wake up, you are home.
I will be off on adventures for now, but I’ll be back.
Think of me or call on me, and I will be by your side.
Give my love and my blessings to the others. I love them very much too.
Until we meet again.”
They say a warm goodbye, and Jen waves to Prince as he runs outside the garden.
I ask my spirit guide of there’s anything else we need to do.
He says, “No, they will be fine.”
I give thanks and end the journey.
Client testimonial:
Fri, 3 Mar 2023It was so beautiful, so perfect. I was especially touched when you mentioned the hammock, as Prince and I spent many times together in the hammock. It’s one of my favorite spots. Now it means even more to me! Thank you so much for the beautiful gift of that sacred spirit journey. I listen to it so often, as a meditation, like you suggested. It makes me feel closer to him. I miss him so much. Blessings to you.Jennifer
Sat, 4 Mar 2023The Hammock part truly surprised me. There was no way for you to know that. You have a real gift. I am very appreciative of you.

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