After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones. In the following I will share below the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Chompy the angel cat.
You can both listen to and read Chompy’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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In this Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Chompy, I will also share some of my preparations, as I felt that they were relevant to the journey. Very often, I have found, it is not only the journey itself and the message that are relevant, but even what happens during my preparations. So follow along as I begin the journey . . .
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Chompy, I become fully present here where I am. That is a key part. I send my awareness out in my surroundings, take a deep breath and relax into peace and presence on the exhalation. Being here now. Listening to the sounds – all the sounds, without judging. Letting them all be there.
I repeat my intention to meet Chompy and center in my heart. From my heart I feel inspired to (along with my spirit guide) step out into the ‘heart landscape’. I find myself on a beautiful beach, familiar from previous journeys. I walk with bare feet on the warm sand, breathe in the fresh sea air, and look into the vast deep blue sky.
I then see Chompy come walking towards me. She stops in front of me and greets me warmly. She says:
“It’s nice to see you. As you can see, I am doing well. This is a healing place.”
I notice Chompy is wearing, around her neck, a ribbon of soft blue with a beautiful pink wild rose attached. It looks wonderful on her.
Chompy says:
“I choose to wear this ribbon today to indicate to Polly that my message for her is an expression of my love for her, which is infinite like the deep blue sky. [now speaking directly to Polly] A love your heart feels free and at home in.
The wild rose symbolizes that our bond is of the heart; a simple, authentic bond of love between two souls who know in their heart that they belong together. It is a deep knowing that not even death can shake.
It is a love as beautiful as this beautiful wild rose that sends out its wonderful fragrance and envelops you in its pink color and energy.
Connecting with wild roses is one way for you to connect to me, and to peace.
Allow yourself to grieve – take the time you need. Release the regrets and the guilt you hold on to, and know that I love you and that all is well between us.
Don’t worry, my dearest friend, for I am well and I am with you in spirit. As I have found this healing place for now, seek out your own healing place as well.
In your dreams and imagination you are most welcome to visit me here. On an earthly plane, go to a place in nature that brings you peace, healing and comfort. If you look within, you will know.
Thank you for the life we shared, for the joy, the love, for opening your heart to me and invite me into your life. I feel forever blessed for that gift you gave, for letting me into your heart and home.
As you grieve now, I hold the love and the peace for you, for I have an abundance of both.
Tell everyone at home I love them very much, and that I am fine. You will be fine too. As you move forward, it will be with me by your side in spirit.
In nature, you will see signs and reminders from me. Reminders of love, of beauty, of the wonder that is this world.
As you find ways to heal, you will also be honoring me, for my wish is to see you happy, bringing with you the love we shared, letting others benefit from your generous heart.”
Chompy stops speaking, and I notice that I had been so busy listening to her speaking that I hadn’t noticed Polly had arrived. She is sitting with Chompy on her lap, looking out over the sea.
Chompy starts walking along the beach with the water on the left side. We get to a big bush filled with blossoming, pink wild roses. The fragrance is magical. Chompy tells Polly to pick a rose, and she does.
Chompy says:
“Bring it back home with you, and arrange it in a way your heart guides you to do. You can place it in a vase or bowl on a table, or you can incorporate it in a decoration for your body or clothes, for example with a pink or soft, mint green ribbon.
Colors have meaning and effects too, so notice which colors you are drawn to during this time of healing.”
Polly picks a rose and holds it close to her heart and says: “Thank you so much, Chompy. I love you so much.”
Chompy then says: “Watch this and join me.”
Before Chompy, is an opening, and she steps in through that opening, and Polly follows. I watch, and I notice that they just walked back into Polly’s heart space. Polly had connected with Chompy via her heart center, and she is now back, and with her is her beloved Chompy. Every time Polly wants to connect with Chompy, she need look no further than her own heart. It was very interesting to see how Chompy walked right back into Polly’s heart center.
Polly’s heart center feels and looks filled with light, with peace, and is very beautiful – and Chompy is there. Such a beautiful soul. I feel honored to have met her.
With Polly and Chompy at home, I turn to my spirit guide and ask: “Is there anything else we need to do?”
He says: “No, that’s it for now. They are reconnected and at peace. Polly’s soul wound will heal, and Chompy and her beautiful light is near.”
I give thanks, say goodbye and end the journey.
“I have a rose bush that blooms in my garden all summer and the blooms change color as it turns late summer; they’re pink right now. Chompy also made an appearance in my dreams last night. She used to talk to me all the time, kind of a chortle followed by a little meow, and she did that in my dream. It was so briefly that she walked through my dream …”
“Thank you again for the sacred spirit journey and connecting with Chompy. I will listen to it often.”
~ Polly
You may also like the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Polly’s angel horse, Hoochie: Angel Horse Hoochie: The afterlife meeting that transformed trauma into peace

Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.