[A magical meeting with Pepper the angel cat]
One thing that brings much comfort when your beloved pet has passed is receiving from them a personal message.
You can both listen to and read Pepper’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple Podcast, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple Podcast, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Pepper the angel cat, I become present here where I am. It is quiet right now. Peaceful. I take a deep breath in and relax into peace and presence on the exhalation, being here now. I keep returning to the stillness within. Watching my breathing.
I become more and more calm as I focus on the stillness and peace. I listen within, and I get drawn to my heart where I hear a faint meow.
I enter my heart center and Pepper is there together with my spirit guide. They greet me warmly as I join them.
“It is good to see you, Pepper”, I say. “Are you okay?”
Pepper smiles and says:
“Yes, I’m fine. Very well indeed. Especially now that I have a chance to send Dana and Eric my love and my message. Let’s go.”
Pepper leads us out from the heart center to the beach that I have been to numerous times before in my Sacred Spirit Journeys. Pepper looks healthy, happy and strong as she walks along the beach. She doesn’t walk far before she walks inland; into a place that’s almost like a botanical garden, a bit jungle-like. A lot of trees, bushes, flowers, birds and insects. I am surprised that we are here, for this is the place where I usually meet my (living) cat Percy when I journey for her.
Percy is waiting for us on her usual bench by a tree. Pepper jumps up, and they sniff each other, quickly becoming friends.
Percy says:
“You are here because you need to bring the High Priestess card back to Dana. That is a card Marianne usually connects with me, so it will be fitting for me to hand it to you.”
Pepper says to me:
“As you give the card to Dana, tell her as she goes within, I will be there in the stillness of her heart. The wisdom she seeks is within, and I am adding to it with my unique light, perspective, and wisdom. Study that card and use it if you wish.”
As Pepper stops speaking, we see Dana come walking along the path. She is looking around at the trees, the birds, and the flowers. She is carrying a big light-purple flower that she gives to Pepper and says:
“With all my love to you, my love. Thank you for everything.”
Pepper and Dana are happy to be re-united, and they sit together on the bench, just being in the peace of the sacred place, looking at each other and at the nature around them.
A ruby-throated hummingbird comes flying to them, and they greet the bird, who lands on Dana’s hand.
Pepper says:
“My blessings to you. A gift of joy and an expression of my gratitude to you both. Connect with Hummingbird to experience joy and see and create beauty in your life. Enjoy the sweetness of life, and remember you can do all your heart guides you to do Nothing is impossible. Dream beautiful dreams, and bring them out into your life.

Dana asks if Pepper knew when she prayed and spoke to her during the time in hospital, and if she is okay with what happened and not upset with her.
“Sweet friend”, Pepper says, “When you center in your heart with my name on your lips, I am right there with you in spirit. In that moment, there is no separation between us. I feel you, I hear you, I see the beautiful light of your soul. You held the light for me so beautifully during that last period, and it helped and supported me very much. I felt I was in a sacred space, I was safe, and you were near at all times. My gratitude goes to you for all you have done and been for me.
I am fine, as you can see, and I am loved, I have friends. Even Percy here, who is still alive, might visit me in spirit.”
Percy says: “Of course I will. That will be fun.”
Pepper says:
“While the High Priestess card represents this sacred place, a going within and meeting with me, this other card – The Empress is how I see you. Full of love, in a sacred grove, caring for animals, sharing your gifts with those who need them. With all these gifts, and with my blessings and deep gratitude, I bid you farewell for now, but I will not be far. Just call my name and I will be by your side.
Keep doing what you’re doing. You are on the right path.
Blessings and love to you all.”
Dana gives Pepper a hug, and they say a warm farewell. They walk out from the sacred garden. Pepper’s light shines more and more brightly till she becomes light which circles around Dana a few times and then flies up in the sky, almost like a shooting star. And Dana returns home.
I give thanks to all for this sacred journey, say goodbye, and end the journey.