A Meeting With An Animal Companion In The Light – And A Message

Gathering The Light at Healing Pet Loss

This article contains a special journey to and a message from an animal that was part of my husband’s and my life for only a short time, but who touched our hearts deeply.

On our journey through life the animals we meet can be close companions as well as teachers and guides, if we open up to their wisdom.

In this case the wisdom comes from a grey cat that visited our garden some months ago. The cat was clearly lost or abandoned, but unfortunately he was very shy and disappeared before we could help him. I connected with him in a previous shamanic journey, but our thoughts still go to this precious soul.

I decided to do another journey to connect with him, and in the following I will share that special journey and the cat’s message. I invite you to join me as I begin:

I become fully present here where I am, taking a deep breath and filling out my body with my awareness on the exhalation. No resistance – allowing myself to rest fully in my body – in the now. There’s nowhere else I need to be right now – whatever my mind, or anyone else might say. Right now my heart’s intention is to connect with the grey cat.

As my mind begins to come up with doubts and insecurity, I hear my spirit helper saying:

“Leave behind all doubts. Simply return to the peace of the heart and keep the intention there to connect with the grey cat. It’s a place you’re safe and where the cat feels safe as well.”

I look into my heart. At first it is unclear and dark – then my spirit helper lights a candle and says: “Let the light expand.”

I feel how with each breath – inhalation and exhalation – the light expands, filling up not only the heart center but enveloping me in light. I am in a place of light.

“Me too”, I hear the grey cat say. “That is where I am now. I learned in this life about suffering and abandonment, but I also learned about love. And I learned the hard way that when someone is reaching out to you in true love, you need to let go of your fear and accept that gift of love. It is easy to succumb to fear and darkness, but if you seek, you will find the light. Recognize it when it comes your way, and don’t move on without connecting with that light. We are not isolated beings, but our lives are interconnected, and our lights come from and return to the same source. When you have lost your light, allow the light of another to help you reconnect with your own light.”

Marianne: “Thank you. Those were very wise words that I will treasure and learn from. Is there anything we can do for you now?”

The grey cat says:

“You can spread my message so that others may reach for the light offered in spite of their fear. My message is also important to those who are connected with their light and who recognize a soul who has lost their light – human or animal. May they find the awareness, compassion and courage to reach out with love and light to those in need.”

I thank the grey cat and feel myself returning to ‘ordinary reality’, becoming present in my body, aware of my surroundings. I thank my spirit helper.

I hope that the message of light shared by the grey cat will bring you inspiration and courage on your journey towards gathering your light.

Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️

I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.

I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.


  1. What a wonderful message from the grey cat. :-) Thank you so much for sharing your journey. Espavo to both you and the grey cat.

  2. What a beautiful shamanic journey, Marianne, and a lovely message. Isn’t it wonderful how things show up in our physical reality to help us reconnect to our path? Thank you so much for sharing! Spirit hugs to you!

    • You’re right, Sheila. Things, people and animals do show up in our life to teach us and to reconnect us with our path. A tough mindset shift to make, but it brings so much clarity, meaning and peace when we allow ourselves to embrace those teachings.

  3. Marianne, this is such a beautiful article and so helpful…Our pup Marley has a huge nasal tumor! We celebrate everyday but we know the time is coming. Hugs to you!

    • I’m glad you found the article helpful, Wendy. I’m so sorry to hear about your beloved Marley. Having a chance to celebrate and say goodbye is such a gift, but at the same time it’s heartbreaking to know that the our time with our beloved animal companion will soon come to an end – at least in this physical reality. My thoughts are with you and your precious Marley.

  4. Oh Marianne, Spirit’s timing is so perfect. My partner and I will let go of our greyhound Baylor tomorrow so your words about connecting with the light bring great comfort tonight. Thank you.

    • I’m so glad the message brought you comfort, Beth. You and your beloved dog Baylor will be in my thoughts. Peace and blessings, Marianne

  5. Marianne – as someone who has lost a pet and knows the heartbreak personally, this is truly beautiful! Thank you for sharing.

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