A message from the heart of angel cat Bob

Bob was only 2 years and 10 months old when he died. His death was sudden and very traumatic for Lindsey, his human companion. Lindsey was having an extremely difficult time coping with his death and reached out to me to connect with Bob through a Sacred Spirit Journey. She especially wanted Bob to know how much she loved him and that she did everything she could.

You can both listen to and read Bob’s message below.

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As I Begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Lindsey’s angel cat Bob, I center in my heart space; it is light and spacious. As I hold my focus there through each in and out breath, the light and the space expands; the light eventually enveloping me and stretching far beyond what I usually think of as me. The heart space is vast – as in a beautiful landscape on a sunny summer day. Clear blue sky, filled with sunlight. A little orange butterfly comes flying by, circles around me and tells me to follow. Me and my spirit guide follow the butterfly. We fly high up in the sky; light, space, freedom and beauty.

We come to an ethereal landscape where we find Bob sitting in sphinx position. Around him are dozens of orange butterflies flying. Bob smiles to us and says:

“Greetings and blessings, and welcome to my new place. This is my place of healing, and as you can see, I am doing fine and I have beautiful friends here who assist me in my transformation and adjustment to my spirit life.

Tell Lindsey I am fine and not to worry about me. Tell her that I love her more than anything in the whole world and that my heart is eternally connected with hers through the bond of love.

I see her with my heart, and my heart knows the deep love she has for me, and my heart is filled with appreciation for all that she did for me through my life.

There is a lesson I want to pass on, it is the lesson to not take life or you loved ones for granted, for life is precious, temporary and you don’t know when it’s your time to move on. Treasure each moment, and live each day to the fullest, not necessarily filling your days with activities but with presence and with appreciation.

As you center in your heart, acknowledge the feelings you have, but see also the light I left behind. Experience or imagine how that light expands and how we are still connected through our hearts. Just think of me or a fond memory and you will feel not only grief but also joy and gratitude.

Each day, find the joy and beauty around you, and within, and send me a blessing. As you do, you will see that I am with you.

The butterflies are my special friends and messengers. They are also a reminder of the transformations we all have to go through to evolve into the free soul we truly are, and to embrace and shine the light which is the essence of our soul.

Do not get stuck in the trauma of my sudden passing but see beyond – remember the light and the joy I brought to your life and your days, and keep those qualities in your heart.

Nurture those gifts I brought you and share them far and wide – within your family and beyond – for the world needs that light now.

Many of us animals – alive and in spirit – are in your lives to hold the light for you and encourage you to see and create a future where love survives and compassion is the norm.

Let all doubts go and live each day from the heart, knowing I am beside you, sharing my love, my light and my joy with you.

I send my blessings and all my love to those who love me. I am holding you all in my light and send my messengers to bring you peace and joy.

Thank you again for your love, your care, and for the time we had together. Although our time together in physical form was brief, the bond between our souls is unbreakable, for love is eternal.

Keep returning to the love in your heart and use gratitude to reconnect if you lose your way. Blessings and joy”

As he stops speaking, he sits looking at us. He is radiant, full of love and light. Many of the butterflies that are circling around him now fly off in all directions. “To share my light.” says Bob, with a smile in his eyes. One, I notice, flies to where Lindsey lives. I say: “Thank you so much, Bob. Anything else?” “No, that’s it for now. Bring her my blessings and my love.” I say, “I will.” We say goodbye and I end the journey.

Did you like this Sacred Spirit Journey with angel cat Bob’s healing message? Would you you like to receive a healing message from your your own beloved pet that has passed? Learn more.

[client testimonial]
I received Bob’s Spirit Journey, and I found myself very peaceful while listening. I am still having a difficult time coping but I know things will get easier and listening to your message and picturing it in my mind will put me more at ease. Thank you so much for all of your help. I really found a lot of comfort from your words and Bob’s message! ~Lindsey L

Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️

I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.

I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.

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