A message on living in joy from angel cat Pittiput

angel cat Pittiput collage - Marianne Soucy Healing Pet Loss
Connecting with pets in the afterlife can be a wonderful way to heal after the loss of a beloved pet – but not only then, also in your daily life as you move forward on your soul’s path, can the messages of wisdom, guidance and love from our pets in the afterlife be helpful and inspiring.

In this article, we will hear a beautiful message from a cat in the afterlife: My beloved angel cat, Pittiput who passed in 2010. May Pittiput’s wisdom inspire you and bring you light and joy.

I connected with Pittiput in a Sacred Spirit Journey (a form of shamanic journey), capturing his wise words with my special Sacred Spirit Writing technique.

You can both listen to and read Pittiput’s message below.

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As I begin the journey, I’m with my spirit guide in a beautiful green landscape on a sunny summer day. The weather is perfect, because it’s pleasantly warm and not too hot. We’re by a big old tree. Pittiput is there too, I’m pleased to see, and I greet him warmly.

“My favorite day”, I hear Pittiput say. “Summer is my favorite season, for to me joy was and is lying outside in the grass in the sun, letting the sun warm me and bring me light.

Joy can be simple things – so when you’re trying to create a joyful life, and find the joy in the life that you have, don’t forget the simple things.

There’s much talk of cultivating or creating joy, but your life doesn’t have to be perfect or a certain way for you to find joy. Life consists of things you like and those you don’t.

Like when I lived in the park before coming home to you. It wasn’t always fun to be alone or if the weather was bad, but as you know, my motto was – and is – to live in faith. Living in faith is living in joy, for when you allow the present moment to be okay, you’ll let go of resistance and find the peace and the joy that the present moment holds for you. For it’s always there; you just need to discover it. It’s when you live in faith fully in the Now, and are okay with where you are and what you do – that you can notice the joy that’s there – even if it’s a short moment, or even if it’s a tiny gesture.

Life is what you make it out to be, and if you meet it with an open heart and with faith – with the knowing that deep down, all is well – you’ll be meeting life with joy and receive joy in return. By living joy like I was, you’ll be spreading light and joy to those who need it.

Life is meant to be lived. I lived my life fully, and I am filled with gratitude for the joy I’ve felt; for all the good that’s happened to me, because I met life with joy and faith. If I had lived in fear, I might not have had the courage to approach you, and enjoy your love and get a home.

Live joyfully, live boldly, and make the most of every moment you have. Each moment contains the seed of joy. Find it, live it, and share it.”

Pittiput stops speaking, jumps up on my lap, and I feel him close to me.

Marianne: “What is joy to you now?”

Pittiput says:

“Joy is living in the light and being able to explore the vastness of this wonderful place – or state. Joy now is being able to embody the light and joy more fully and share it with you and others who need it.

You can’t say that Earth life or afterlife is better – it’s what you bring to it that creates your experience of it. Bring joy, faith and love, and you’ll be fine.

One last thing: Remember you’re never alone on your soul’s path. You may feel you are at times, but then call on me, and I’ll be by your side, sharing my light and joy with you, and teaching you how to live in faith.”

Pittiput gives me a kitty kiss, and says goodbye. I thank him, say goodbye and watch him leave. I end the journey.

If you would like me to do a Sacred Spirit Journey for your angel animal and bring back their healing message for you, I would be honored to do so.

The way I connect with pets in the afterlife through Sacred Spirit Journeys not only allows me to receive a message from your beloved pet, but through the spirit journey that I do, it is also possible to bring healing and harmony to you, your pet and your situation. So if you are looking for something more than ‘regular animal communication’, you are in the right place. The work I do is not just to convey a message but to help restore peace, healing and harmony.

In order to get more of an idea of what you can expect if you order a journey from me, you can for example read some of the journeys I have done for clients on behalf of their pets in the afterlife, such as Rags the angel cat, Macey the angel dog, and Rex the angel dog.

❤️ Receive your own pet’s personal healing message

Receive a message from your pet I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with. Learn more.

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