A Sacred Meeting with Denzel the Angel Dog

A Sacred Meeting with Denzel the Angel Dog
The greatest wish of those who have lost a beloved pet is to experience that connection again that the physical companionship with their animal friend inspired. A direct connection with your pet provides, in my experience, one of the best ways to heal after pet loss.

There are many ways you can make a connection with your pet in the afterlife – the Sacred Spirit Journeys that I do is one of them, and is based on the ancient technique of shamanic journeying. This technique is typically used for healing, guidance and empowerment, and one of its uses is connecting with animals that have passed.

In this blog, I will share a beautiful healing journey where I meet Denzel the angel dog. His message provides much comfort and peace, and it also gives you suggestions for connecting with your own pet in the afterlife.

I recommend that you read or listen to the whole journey, not analyzing but simply experiencing it, like a meditation. You can do this several times. Then, if you feel inspired to go a little deeper with the message and the advice given, you can listen or read again, make notes in a journal or notebook with passages that stand out to you or that provide helpful insights. If there is a suggested action step, you can take action when you feel inspired.

You can both listen to and read Denzel’s message below.

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As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Ariana’s angel dog Denzel, I feel especially drawn to the Earth. A strong Earth and nature connection. There’s a peaceful, almost sleepy feeling. As I surrender to that feeling, I find myself in a forest. The leaves are green and the sun is shining beautifully. It’s pleasantly warm. No sounds except for the sounds of nature. The birds are singing their songs.

My spirit guide is with me, leading me to a little clearing behind some bushes. There on the grass with sunlight shining on him, Denzel is lying. He’s sleeping peacefully. I don’t want to disturb him, so I lie down in the grass and look up at the sunlight flickering between and through the leaves. I doze off, feeling at peace.

I wake up to someone saying, “Hello”.

It’s Denzel. He is awake and is now sitting and looking at us with curiosity.

“It’s good to see you,” Denzel says. “I presume you come from Ariana. I am grateful she sent you. I have found myself a wonderful place here. Perfect for resting, for exploring, for having fun.”

Ariana has joined us in the forest clearing. Denzel speaks to Ariana:

“What’s your sacred space like? The place you restore your energy and re-connect with your soul? It could be a physical place, but it could also be a place in your imagination or in a Sacred Spirit Journey.

That is important after a loss, because it is us animals that connect you with your soul. That is one of our main gifts we have for you.

A trusted companion who loves you unconditionally makes it safe for you to open your heart.

That beautiful heart of yours is now grieving my loss. Let it be so, and honor your grief, for it bears witness to your great love for me. The period where grief dominates varies from person to person. Wherever you are in your grief, that is okay.

What I am here to say to you today is this:

I invite you to see the world with me – to see the world through my eyes. Eyes that see beauty; eyes that see the soul of people, not just the surface or the wounds.

Forgive easily, and walk with joy as your companion, for joy is also a gift I bring.

When you think of honoring and celebrating me and my memory by feeling and sharing your joy, the grief and the loss of my physical body will be easier to bear.

Allow the grief and joy to share the space within you and in your life, for they are not separate. Only your evaluation of them are. They both spring from the deep and eternal love that we share and that connects our souls.”

Ariana asks: “How can I connect with you?”

Denzel says; “Besides what I have shared already, use the times of peace. It could be a special place in nature, like here, or it could be by using those times where you rest and drift between waking and sleeping. The veil between us is especially thin there. Don’t try too hard, but simply set the intention to meet me from that place of love you have in your heart. Feel and express the gratitude for us and for what we had. That will be with you always.

The beautiful memories we have are like beautiful photos and stories in a book that you can take up and look at time and time again. There are challenging times and there are fond, fun, and loving times. Everything is part of the treasure which our shared life is.

As you are about to go to rest, then hold my image or a fond memory in your heart and mind with gratitude. Take some deep breaths to relax further, and then let go. Let sleep and rest bring you to the peace your heart is yearning for. Do not judge or set specific expectations for how our connection should or will be, but know that I am with you and I send you peace and all my love.

As my place was by your side in life, I am beside you now, and even though you are grieving, you will be okay.

I treasure the love you all showed me, and will keep it forever in my heart.

With peace in my heart, I thank you for connecting with me, for trusting in our continued bond, for being you. I love you, and my soul sees your soul. Blessings to you all.”

Ariana is now sitting in stillness with Denzel. There’s a feeling that all is well and their hearts are connected. Peace finds its way into her heart and soul. They say a fond farewell, and Ariana know he’s well and that they can connect when they want to. She waves to Denzel when she leaves for home, and he sends her all his love.

I give thanks to all and end the journey.

“Thank you very much. This is the way I feel he is. Your podcasts and spirit journey have been especially helpful in this process and I’ve referred several people to you as I truly believe this is healing. Sincerely, Ariana”

I trust that Denzel the angel dog’s message of love brought you some comfort and peace in your time of grief.

Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️

I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.

I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.

Copyright © 2011-2025 Marianne Soucy & Healing Pet Loss. All rights reserved.
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