After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones. In the following I will share below the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Lena the angel cat.
You can both listen to and read Lena’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Lena, I am drawn to my feet. I feel that my feet are bare and that I am standing on grass. It feels similar to when I am out in the garden on a nice sunny day.
Lena comes walking, greets me, smiles and says:
“Hello. I came to see you, and I bring my message for Sara. I would be grateful if you could take it to her. I want to bring her comfort in her time of grief. I go where I am needed, and I hear the call when someone needs me. Therefore, Sara, when you need me, just call my name, and I will be by your side. That same proactive behavior is something you can also benefit from. What do you need or want? Actually go and seek it out. Don’t wait until it, hopefully, comes your way.”
I feel very much like a middle man between Sara and Lena. How to we connect them directly?
At that moment, I see a big eagle flying above us. Eagle flies down and lands in front of us and invites us all to travel with him. We get up on Eagle, and he soars. We fly high up in the air. We see the landscape far below us. After a little while, we land on the beach familiar from previous journeys.
My spirit guide takes out some healing water which Lena drinks. She then walks with intention over to the enclosure where Horse is. I know Horse also from previous journeys.
Lena jumps up and greets Horse warmly, like they are old friends.
Horse says:
“Tell Sara to trust and follow her intuition.
Her spirit knows what it feels like to be free. Let me be your guide to freedom, to joy.”
We thank Horse, and Lena leads us further into the landscape. We pass a field with oats. They are like small bells ringing beautifully whenever a breeze caresses them.
Lena guides me to pick some, and also some poppies that grow among the oats. I end up with a nice bouquet.
We continue on and come to an open grassy area where a big hot air balloon is waiting. And so is Sara.
We all go up in the balloon, and it lifts off. Calmly and quietly it floats above the landscape. Much beauty and peace. We let the balloon take us on adventures. Sara and Lena greet each other warmly. Sara says, “It is so good to see you. You look well.”
Lena says:
“I am doing fine. My spirit is strong, healthy, and my spirit’s light shines brightly.
I hold the light for you.
I hold the love for you.
I am by your side, always.
I invite you to let this journey inspire you as you move forward. Let your spirit soar. Acknowledge the beauty around you, and strive for the ‘balloon state’ where you let go. Meditation can help you with that. An image of a hot air balloon can also be an inspiration. Picture it with you and I in it, traveling on adventures.”
They both smile at the thought.
Lena continues:
“Thank you for everything – for your love, your care, and for the many fun and fond memories we created together.
Use your creativity, if inspired, to create a collage or whatever you feel drawn to, that celebrates our life together.
Listen within and, as Horse reminded you, listen to your intuition. We are many here to guide and support you. We hold you in our love.
Take time to grieve your loss. It takes time to adjust.
The physical togetherness brought much joy and warmth of heart. If you close your eyes and imagine touching me, I bet you can almost feel that you touch me. That is also a way to connect with me. Though my physical body is no more, my spirit, my love, my light and my joy – it all lives within and around you.
Open up to all the little signs that remind you I am near.
Have faith. All will be well.
As our hearts’ bond was strong when I was alive, it is still strong now I am in spirit.”
As soon as Lena says that, the balloon changes course and flies back to where we came from. We land, get out and walk by Horse. Sara greets Horse too, and they become friends.
We go on the beach, out to the water. Sara takes off her shoes and socks and goes out into the water until it reaches her ankles. It is refreshing.
As the sun shines on the sea, the water shimmers and glistens. Beautiful and magical.
After a while. Lena and Sara say a warm goodbye.
Lena says:
“Remember, I will love you always.
Be at peace as you return home. Put the flowers in a place that you can see them. Come back and visit too if you wish – in a dream or meditation. Even in your imagination.
I hear your heart’s call.
I love you.”
Sara says: “I love you too, Lena. Thank you for everything, my sweet friend.”
I wonder how Lena will travel from here, and in that moment, Eagle comes. Lena gets up on Eagle’s back, and they fly off.
Lena smiles as she looks down on us, and we wave to her.
Horse comes and offers to guide Sara home. We say goodbye, and I watch them walk away.
I thank my spirit guide and end the journey.
Note: The ‘balloon state’ mentioned in the journey is a state of peace, ease, freedom, perspective and magic. Imagine being in a hot air balloon floating above the landscape. When you are in a hot air balloon, you are moving with the wind, and the air inside the balloon is still, and you feel a strong connection with nature.
Unfortunately, Lena’s sister Isabel passed only a few days after I did this journey for Lena. Upon hearing this, I received the following insights.
I see Lena come flying in on Eagle to Sara’s place where Isabel still is. Lena and Isabel, are reunited with Sara and her husband, and I feel that it will be a very good idea for Sara and her husband to do a memorial and celebration ceremony which includes both Lena and Isabel.

“Marianne, thank you so much for that wonderful gift. I felt Lena’s presence as I listened and look forward to listening again and again. I did buy your book and have started reading. I’m hopeful that I can connect with both my girls through some of your suggestions.” ~Sara
Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.