A song for healing pet loss

There are songs and music that are comforting and soothing after pet loss, and then there are songs that bring up all the feelings of loss – and the immense love you had (and still have) for you pet, like this one does.

Sometimes the pain of the loss of a beloved pet can be so overwhelming that we push it down, but when we push down the grief and the pain, we also suppress the love. That’s where music comes in.

When you get in touch with the grief and the love, and allow yourself to experience whatever comes up – that’s when healing can take place.


The song below is John Denver’s “Annie’s song”; I dedicate this song to Kia, my beloved cat who died July 2012. Click on video to listen to the song.

A note about Pinterest and pet loss

Did you know that Pinterest can also be used for pet loss?

Besides creating, pinning and repinning quotes and animal pictures – and videos from YouTube like the one above, there’s another aspect to it.

For instance, my husband found the video above on YouTube after Kia died, and it struck a chord with me as it resonates with my feelings for  Kia. I pinned it to one of my boards on Pinterest, and since I do not often go back and check all my own pins, a couple of weeks passed and I had forgotten about the song in the busy-ness of everyday life. But then  I saw a notification in my mail that someone had repinned this video, so I was reminded of Kia and took time and listened again to this wonderful song. The song expresses so well what I feel for her, that listening to it brings up the feelings of love I have for Kia and a gratitude for being truly blessed to have (and have had) her in my life.

Songs and music can be healing and transforming. What songs have helped you cope with the loss of a pet? Or is there a particular song that reminds you of a special pet? Please share in the comments below. You are also welcome to share a video or a picture of your departed pet on the Pet Memorial Board on Pinterest. For details and how-to see this invitation.


  1. I agree with you completely, Marianne! Your readers might be interested in my article, “Grief Songs: Music for a Grieving Heart,” here: http://j.mp/11rtcf

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