An angel animal shares insights on her true nature and on reincarnation

Angel - Healing Pet Loss

Connecting with a beloved animal companion after they have passed can bring much peace and comfort. If you have seen some of the articles on my website or read my book “Healing Pet Loss – Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides“, then you have read about how I suffered from guilt after my beloved cat Kia died alone in an animal hospital, and how receiving Kia’s messages of forgiveness, love and peace helped me and my family cope with her loss.

Besides helping you cope with their loss, communicating with an animal companion that has passed can also give you deep insights and wisdom you may not have expected.

In a shamanic journey to meet with Kia, she shares some of the deeper wisdom. She starts out by talking about her ‘true self’:

Angel cat Kia - Healing Pet LossAs I begin the journey, I see Kia in a garden. She looks at me and says: “You’re now ready to see my true self.” And I seem to see into or through her, as if her spirit body is a kind of portal into a radiant light being – an angel?

“Yes”, she says. “I am an angel who took the body of a cat to teach compassion – and to connect you with the other side. To open your heart and your mind to the wisdom and love that’s available to you when you take an “expanded” view and see behind the surface. On the surface you have seen a cat – a cat that you loved beyond measure, sure – but you know now that the unconditional love you shared is a direct link to the source of compassion. You embraced me and, I am happy to see, you have also embraced my teachings and have taken the step to share the love and my message with the world. It is a simple message – a message of love and peace – which everyone has access to through the development of unconditional love within themselves.”

M: “But are you Kia the cat or angel, or both?”

K: ” As you said: I’m both. To you I’ll always be Kia the cat, but you’ll at the same time see the angel and the infinite love that I carry and am. One doesn’t exclude the other. As you’ll see and experience when you move further on your path, we are all one, so there really isn’t any separation between us. You are me, and I am you.”

During this conversation I also took the opportunity to ask her about a topic that I personally don’t think about too much in my daily life, but which, I have experienced, is on the mind of many grieving pet owners: reincarnation. The following obviously doesn’t cover all there is to say about reincarnation, but will give you food for thought and a suggestion for reaching a state of peace after the loss of your animal companion.

M: “What are your thoughts on reincarnation?”

K: “It is what you believe. If you look deep into each one you meet, you will see me there. Kia the cat was my earthly form. To your physical/earth self, that form seems lost – but as you learn to embrace and connect with my spirit self and my true self – you’ll see that I’m with you wherever you go. I can send you messages and signs that you recognize as “your Kia’s”. That will bring you comfort and peace. But keep going beyond and find the place where we’re one. That’s where you will find true peace.”

M: “Thank you so much Kia. You have my eternal gratitude.”

Have you wondered about the true nature of your animal companion or reincarnation? I invite you to share your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.

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