An Easy Exercise to Connect with your Pet in the Afterlife

If you have lost your beloved pet, and you are struggling to cope with the grief and the emptiness after the loss of your animal companion, you might be asking yourself questions like these:

  • Is my pet okay in the afterlife?
  • Can my pet forgive me?
  • Is there anything I can do for my pet now?
  • Does my pet have a special message for me?
It has been my consistent experience that receiving your pet’s special message is what will truly help you get resolution and peace, and is what matters most. I have discovered that the best way to get your pet’s message is to connect directly with your animal companion in the afterlife.

If you have read my book, “Healing Pet Loss: Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides” which includes messages of peace and love from my beloved angel cat Kia and other angel animals, you have already experienced the peace and comfort that connecting with a pet in the afterlife can bring.

If you wish to connect with your own animal companion after they have passed on, I invite you download this easy exercise I have created to help you make a connection with your pet in the afterlife.


Thank you for your exercise on how to make contact with your pet in the afterlife. I tried to contact my dog poppy who I had to euthanize nearly three months ago due to her having a stroke. I’d had her with me for nearly fifteen and a half yrs and I miss her everyday so I thought I would try to make contact earlier today and I was amazed by what happened.

I didn’t see her, but as soon as I started thinking about her I had a warm feeling which spread from my chest and down both my arms and it was like she was actually in my arms again. No sooner did I have that thought then my arms got hotter and hotter, and I had a sense that she was there with me which gave me much comfort, so I sat like that for a while just thinking how nice it was to feel her again. I can’t explain, but I know that she was definitely there with me and it was such a strong feeling – I felt happy and that she was happy too. I’ve never felt anything like it before and I was amazed by the strong feeling that poppy was here with me and I believe that she was – the sensation I had only ended when I opened my eyes, but I know that she’s near me and will always be.

Thank you for showing me how to contact poppy. I know you have given me much comfort and I hope other people who use your website will get the same comfort too.
~ Pauline H.

Kevin Jones via Facebook:Healing Pet Loss testimonial - Pet in afterlife communication

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