[Angel cat Prince Harry and his little white wings]
I did this Sacred Spirit Journey for Kathleen’s angel cat Prince Harry on April 30, 2023.
You can both listen to and read Prince Harry’s message below.
I did this Sacred Spirit Journey for Kathleen’s angel cat Prince Harry on April 30, 2023.
You can both listen to and read Prince Harry’s message below.
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I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Kathleen’s angel cat Prince Harry, and almost immediately I hear a little meow above me. I look up and see Prince Harry sitting on a cloud high up in the blue sky, looking down at me. He is having the same look as on the photo, and he is actively trying to get my attention. I greet him and hold out my arms.
Prince Harry gets up, takes a great leap out from the cloud and floats down towards me. Surprisingly, I see little white wings on his back.
He lands safely in my arms, and I hold him tight. He is soft and precious. Prince Harry smiles and looks up at me and says:
“My mom always said I was an angel. Now I really am one, ain’t I?”
I say, “You always were. I can see that right away. Your heart and soul are beautiful and pure. I feel honored to meet you, my friend.”
Prince Harry says:
“Thank you. I don’t actually need to use the wings, but I think my mom will like them. Her heart’s peace and joy are most on my mind, for my soul and her’s are fellow travelers over lifetimes.
True love is wanting the other to be happy, to touch them with your heart, to hold them in your gratitude, your love, your light; to allow them to walk their path of joy and purpose; the path their soul is destined to take, the path that makes them happy and fulfilled.
I am Kathleen’s soul and heart companion, and my mission is to help her soul blossom, her heart shine , and to guide her through life. I did that in life, and now I stand by her in spirit.
Love is never gone, and I am not gone, but I walk beside her. I am right where I want to be.
I explore the spirit world but choose to return often to Kathleen to comfort her, hang out as dear friends do, and guide her, encourage her, and let her shed her tears on me. They bless me as she lets them fall, for they come from a heart that holds so much love that it must come out.”
Prince Harry stops speaking and looks around. We are on my usual beach in the spirit world. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, and the light is shining on the water.
“Let us go to Kathleen,” Prince Harry says.
We turn around and see a little hummingbird. It flies to us and says:
“May I accompany you? I am on my way to bring joy and beauty to Kathleen, to uplift her spirit.”
“Perfect,” Prince Harry says.
“How do we get to Kathleen,” I ask.
Prince Harry replies:
“Do like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Click your heels together and make a wish.”
I cannot help but smile, and do as he says.
We are instantly before a door which Kathleen opens. She is very surprised and very happy to see Prince Harry. Kathleen says:
“I’ve been hoping to see you, and here you are.”
Prince Harry says:
“Yes, I am. Right here where I belong: With you, my sweet love. And I brought a friend”.
Prince Harry looks at Hummingbird, who then flies to Kathleen and greets her.
“Oh,” Kathleen says, while holding out a finger for the Hummingbird to land on. “How precious and beautiful. Thank you so much for visiting me.”
Hummingbird says:
“Call on me to send or receive signs and messages, making it easy for you to connect with Prince Harry. I am also here to encourage you to taste the sweetness of life, to believe in the impossible, to remind you that love is everlasting, and that you can connect with your beloved Prince Harry. And simply to bring you joy, to give your dream wings and let your spirit fly.”
Kathleen thanks Hummingbird and turns to Prince Harry and takes him up in her arms.
She sees the wings and exclaims:
“I knew you were an angel! I love your sweet little wings. Are they for my sake?”
Prince Harry smiles and says:
“Yes, they are just for you. I knew they would bring a smile on your face.”
Kathleen hugs and kisses him and says, “You can see my heart and read my mind.”
Prince Harry says:
“Indeed. My heart is connected with yours, so that is easy. Trust that bond, and let the love flow freely between us. Death does not end our connection. What we have together can never be lost. Know that in your heart, and return to your heart when you doubt or get sad. In your heart, watch and allow the pain, but see beyond, and as you do, you will see that our love blossoms like a garden with the most beautiful and precious flowers.
It is time for me to leave soon. Will you see me off?”
“Sure,” says Kathleen.
Hummingbird says:
“I will stay and keep Kathleen company, if you wish.”
Kathleen says, “Thank you very much. I would like that.”
Prince Harry says, “Good idea.”
I look around and see that we are in a garden. The sun is shining. Prince Harry looks beautiful and radiant in the sun.
I notice some white butterflies come flying to us. They stop in front of us and merge together and turn into a big white angel. The angel smiles kindly to Prince Harry and asks him:
“Are you ready?”
Prince Harry says, “Yes.”
The angel holds out his or her hands, but before Prince Harry goes up to the angel, he rubs his face on Kathleen and whispers, “I love you”.
Prince Harry then jumps up in the angel’s arms and gives us a radiant smile as they fly off into the Light.
We all wave to them.
Kathleen turns to me and says, “Wasn’t he beautiful, my Prince Harry?”
I say, “Yes, he sure was. Very beautiful indeed. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to connect with him. It has been an honor and a pleasure.”
We say goodbye, and I end the journey.
Kathleen wrote:
I was inspired to create a series of five videos in which I go more into depth with different aspects of this Sacred Spirit Journey with Prince Harry’s message.
Learn more.
Prince Harry gets up, takes a great leap out from the cloud and floats down towards me. Surprisingly, I see little white wings on his back.
He lands safely in my arms, and I hold him tight. He is soft and precious. Prince Harry smiles and looks up at me and says:
“My mom always said I was an angel. Now I really am one, ain’t I?”
I say, “You always were. I can see that right away. Your heart and soul are beautiful and pure. I feel honored to meet you, my friend.”
Prince Harry says:
“Thank you. I don’t actually need to use the wings, but I think my mom will like them. Her heart’s peace and joy are most on my mind, for my soul and her’s are fellow travelers over lifetimes.
True love is wanting the other to be happy, to touch them with your heart, to hold them in your gratitude, your love, your light; to allow them to walk their path of joy and purpose; the path their soul is destined to take, the path that makes them happy and fulfilled.
I am Kathleen’s soul and heart companion, and my mission is to help her soul blossom, her heart shine , and to guide her through life. I did that in life, and now I stand by her in spirit.
Love is never gone, and I am not gone, but I walk beside her. I am right where I want to be.
I explore the spirit world but choose to return often to Kathleen to comfort her, hang out as dear friends do, and guide her, encourage her, and let her shed her tears on me. They bless me as she lets them fall, for they come from a heart that holds so much love that it must come out.”
Prince Harry stops speaking and looks around. We are on my usual beach in the spirit world. The sky is blue, the sun is shining, and the light is shining on the water.
“Let us go to Kathleen,” Prince Harry says.
We turn around and see a little hummingbird. It flies to us and says:
“May I accompany you? I am on my way to bring joy and beauty to Kathleen, to uplift her spirit.”
“Perfect,” Prince Harry says.
“How do we get to Kathleen,” I ask.
Prince Harry replies:
“Do like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Click your heels together and make a wish.”
I cannot help but smile, and do as he says.
We are instantly before a door which Kathleen opens. She is very surprised and very happy to see Prince Harry. Kathleen says:
“I’ve been hoping to see you, and here you are.”
Prince Harry says:
“Yes, I am. Right here where I belong: With you, my sweet love. And I brought a friend”.
Prince Harry looks at Hummingbird, who then flies to Kathleen and greets her.
“Oh,” Kathleen says, while holding out a finger for the Hummingbird to land on. “How precious and beautiful. Thank you so much for visiting me.”
Hummingbird says:
“Call on me to send or receive signs and messages, making it easy for you to connect with Prince Harry. I am also here to encourage you to taste the sweetness of life, to believe in the impossible, to remind you that love is everlasting, and that you can connect with your beloved Prince Harry. And simply to bring you joy, to give your dream wings and let your spirit fly.”
Kathleen thanks Hummingbird and turns to Prince Harry and takes him up in her arms.
She sees the wings and exclaims:
“I knew you were an angel! I love your sweet little wings. Are they for my sake?”
Prince Harry smiles and says:
“Yes, they are just for you. I knew they would bring a smile on your face.”
Kathleen hugs and kisses him and says, “You can see my heart and read my mind.”
Prince Harry says:
“Indeed. My heart is connected with yours, so that is easy. Trust that bond, and let the love flow freely between us. Death does not end our connection. What we have together can never be lost. Know that in your heart, and return to your heart when you doubt or get sad. In your heart, watch and allow the pain, but see beyond, and as you do, you will see that our love blossoms like a garden with the most beautiful and precious flowers.
It is time for me to leave soon. Will you see me off?”
“Sure,” says Kathleen.
Hummingbird says:
“I will stay and keep Kathleen company, if you wish.”
Kathleen says, “Thank you very much. I would like that.”
Prince Harry says, “Good idea.”
I look around and see that we are in a garden. The sun is shining. Prince Harry looks beautiful and radiant in the sun.
I notice some white butterflies come flying to us. They stop in front of us and merge together and turn into a big white angel. The angel smiles kindly to Prince Harry and asks him:
“Are you ready?”
Prince Harry says, “Yes.”
The angel holds out his or her hands, but before Prince Harry goes up to the angel, he rubs his face on Kathleen and whispers, “I love you”.
Prince Harry then jumps up in the angel’s arms and gives us a radiant smile as they fly off into the Light.
We all wave to them.
Kathleen turns to me and says, “Wasn’t he beautiful, my Prince Harry?”
I say, “Yes, he sure was. Very beautiful indeed. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to connect with him. It has been an honor and a pleasure.”
We say goodbye, and I end the journey.
Kathleen wrote:
I am incredibly grateful to have received the message from my sweet Prince Harry, and have listened to it regularly over the past few weeks. It has truly touched my heart.
On first listening, my emotions bubbled to the surface and I had to pause to collect myself — just hearing his name made my heart burst and I was flooded with happy and sad tears. However, the more I listen (too many times to count), the message brings a smile and I am filled with peace. Usually, I take a walk in the hills near my house, and listen while I walk. Your voice is very soothing. Only recently have I read the pdf, and that has brought new insights.
One of my most favorite parts of the message is the description of “little white wings”. This image simply brings me joy. When it became clear that we needed to release Harry to his eternal peace, I was deeply troubled with not knowing where he was going. I was devastated by this void and not seeing where he was. Seeing Harry on a cloud with his darling little wings has brought me clarity. I know he has a favorite spot and I can visualize him there.
Also, I loved hearing that he and I are heart and soul companions and that he likes to return, which explains why I sometimes feel his presence nearby.
The last time I listened, I experienced one of the synchronicities that you spoke of. Shortly after listening, I was watching an episode of a favorite family show and the scene moved to one of the characters playing a ‘Wizard of Oz’ pinball machine. It caught me by surprise. The underlying message in the show was there is no place like home — just so with my Harry — our home is our heart and he’s always home.
Another note — this is really wild. In my last email I shared that I had yet to make a connection with the hummingbird in your message. Last week I happened to go into a shop, and I noticed a collection of photo cards on a table. They were photos of wildlife in the area. A card with a beautiful little bird caught my attention and I picked up to admire. I turned it over and it was a hummingbird!!! I was stunned. I had been looking so intently around my home, and then I was practically handed the most beautiful image out of the blue. I have written Hummingbird’s advice inside the card and I keep it close.
Listening to the messages on your podcast were instrumental in my healing process and inspired me to reach out to you. It would bring me happiness knowing that Harry and I could somehow help others.
I look forward to speaking with you on Zoom and perhaps learning more action steps. Thank you again for this beautiful spiritual journey.
I was inspired to create a series of five videos in which I go more into depth with different aspects of this Sacred Spirit Journey with Prince Harry’s message.
Connecting with angel cat Prince Harry (1 of 5 Healing Pet Loss videos)
The Wizard of Oz moment in the angel cat Prince Harry Journey (2 of 5 Healing Pet Loss videos)
A surprise animal spirit guide in the angel cat Prince Harry journey (3 of 5 Healing Pet Loss videos)
A Message from Angel Cat Prince Harry (4 of 5 Healing Pet Loss videos)
White butterflies and angel cat Harry (4 of 5 Healing Pet Loss videos)
❤️ Receive a personal healing MESSAGE from YOUR PET
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.Learn more.