After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones. In the following I will share below the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for angel dog Joey.
You can both listen to and read Joey’s message below.
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As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Jessie’s angel dog Joey, I center in my heart space. I sense a little light shining there. I focus on the ‘heart light’ with gratitude, and as I focus on gratitude, the heart light expands, filling out my body, and expands far and wide in all directions. Like sunlight, blessing all life.
The moment my thoughts go to Joey, I see him come running towards me. He is happy, strong, and full of energy. He greets me with great joy as if we have known each other forever. As I touch him, I find that he is very soft.
Joey looks at me with his expressive eyes, and the heart and soul connection is strongly felt. He is not like humans who are often caught in their mind, no he lives from the heart, generously sharing the unconditional love which he possesses in abundance.
“Thanks for coming”, Joey says. “I’m happy to see you, and I am excited that you will be taking my message back to my family. Tell them I am doing fine here. I am healthy, strong, and happy here in the Light, and I think of them with great love and gratitude in my heart.”
“Don’t worry, Jessie”, Joey says [directed at Jess]. “For although my body is gone, my spirit and my soul’s light are by your side and in your heart always.
I’m so grateful for the time I had with you. Precious moments which will live forever in my heart.
Think of the good times and share them with me. Think of the challenging times, and how we overcame many, standing by each other’s side.
My passing was not a ‘defeat’. It was a natural process. I took a path that we must all take sooner or later. Don’t fear the Light, for nothing you treasured in life is lost in the Light. The essence of your treasures stay with you in your heart and in your soul. Embrace it all with gratitude.
As you feel the emptiness now, think of how vast the emptiness would be if we had not met. We were given a gift when we met. Rejoice in the memories we shared, the fun we had, the quiet moments we shared. Share it all in a ceremony – and perhaps also in a journal or a letter you write to me.
Walk our old walks with joy in your heart, and, as you do, let grief and joy walk with you, for they are not separate. Gratitude connects and embraces it all, so keep returning to Thankfulness.
Dogs like me are messengers from the Divine, reminding you to live fully, in the Now, with all the joy you have in your heart. I served well, I think, and I would do it again anytime.
We will meet again. Don’t think so much about when, but know that what belongs together, cannot be separated. The bond between your heart and mine is eternal.
I love you with all my heart. I always did, and I always will.”
Joey stops speaking. I notice we are still in the Light. Joey leads us to a place where there is a hole – like a hole in the clouds, and when we look down through the hole, we can see the Earth far below us.
I see the ocean with sunlight shimmering on the water, and I see the land, and the place where water and land meet.
Just thinking about going there, we find ourselves on a beach. It looks very much like the beach I go to in many of my journeys.
I feel the warm sand under my feet, and Joey is excited. He runs off, racing along the beach, a little out into the water and back. Chasing the waves.
Joey then stops and looks around. Jess comes walking towards him, carrying a ball.
Joey runs towards Jess, and they greet warmly.
“I knew we would meet again”, Joey says. “Nothing can stop me from being by your side. You’re my heart’s light, my everything.”
Jess smiles. She lifts her hand with the ball in, and throws the ball far along the beach. Joey runs after it and catches the ball, and brings it back to Jess. Even when she throws it a little out in the water, he runs out and fetches it and brings it back.
“You see”, Joey says, “Here in spirit, in the Light, we can do anything. There’s healing, there’s beauty, and many loving friends, new and old.
As you can see, I am doing fine.
As you go back, do so with peace in your heart, for our hearts and souls are still connected, and I’m strong and happy, and I’m by your side whenever you need me. I love you.”
Jess takes Joey up in her arms and holds him close as they look out over the sea. A seagull is circling above, and out at sea, a dolphin is jumping. Jess and Joey smile to each other, and say a warm farewell.
“I’ll see you”, Joey says.
“I look forward to it”, Jess says smiling. She waves to Joey as he runs along the beach. Jess walks home with peace in her heart.
I give thanks and end the journey.
Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.