One of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones.
In the following, I will share a Sacred Spirit Journey I did for DJ Salvador’s angel dog Lady, and Lady’s beautiful healing message.
You can both listen to and read Lady’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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As I prepare to connect with DJ’s angel dog Lady, I feel I am in a sacred space.
I see intermittent sunlight, and beautiful sky out of the window in the room where I am doing the journey. There is a slight breeze and some beautiful clouds.
There is a faint rainbow on my notebook from the crystal in the window as I begin writing.
I give greetings and blessings and from my open heart, flowers pour out from my heart creating a path before me. I am in a sunlit nature landscape. My spirit guide is with me and we are walking this path. My spirit guide is on my left side and a white unicorn is on my right. I am holding a big quartz crystal containing a rainbow in my right hand.
My spirit guide stops and tells me to put the rainbow crystal down on the flower path.
I do. He sprinkles it with some of his healing water. And as he does, the sun touches the crystal and a rainbow forms instantly from the crystal in front of us and goes high up into the sky. It becomes a bridge from us to the beyond.
Lady comes walking down the rainbow. Lady smiles as she sees us and says:
“I like to make an entrance.Lady stops speaking and DJ shows up. They greet each other warmly and Lady asks me to give the crystal to DJ. I hand over the beautiful crystal and it is truly beautiful. For a moment I see a beam of light connecting their hearts. The connection they have – Lady and DJ – is strong and very beautiful. Lady is quite an amazing soul.
Of course, there are many ways we could meet, but this magical and beautiful way is a way for me to help return magic and beauty into DJ’s life and to give them a way to connect with me and thus to heal.
The magic of the heart and the beauty of the light are some of my special gifts, and I have always given them freely.
[At this very moment, in ordinary reality, a rainbow from the crystal in the window again shines on my notepaper as the sun returns.]
Today I go full in, because my love for you shines so strongly in my heart, and my gratitude overflows.
I am so grateful for the care and love you showed me, for all the good times we had.
I have a deep connection with the light, so I am fine now, and I am happy. I keep shining the light that has always been such an important part of who I am – of my soul. I am anywhere the light and beauty is, and when you find the magic of the heart. It is not isolated to a special location or limited in any way, so I can reach you in the blink of an eye.
I hold no grudges and I feel no regrets [in this moment a very strong clear rainbow is shining on my notebook]
I feel blessed and I send blessings because that is my soul’s purpose.
I have lived this life in love and gratitude, sharing my blessings with you, and since my soul’s purpose is to keep shining and sharing my light, distributing blessings where I go, I will be back.
Don’t focus on the when but instead go within your heart’s beautiful and infinite space and find my light there. Imagine being in a place of light and send your thoughts to me. Instantly, I will be with you.
Let rainbows be a way to see my signs to you and connect with me, for example, by using a similar way as this journey was started.
You can also find a crystal that holds or reflects the rainbow colors, and imagine a rainbow bridge going from the crystal you hold or which is before you, and all the way to me.
Use your imagination in your daily life. Follow your intuition and the promptings of your sacred heart. Let unicorn, who is here with us, inspire you to believe in the magical, in beauty, in what’s possible. Let unicorn help you trust your heart guidance, what your heart shows you, not just what your outer eyes see or what your mind tells you.”
Lady is at peace within herself, and her calm, caring presence and divine light brings comfort, peace and light to her grieving human companions. As they say goodbye, there is a strong feeling of blessedness. Lady clearly brings many blessings.
I am in awe of this beautiful soul and say thanks and goodbye to all. DJ leaves for home and Lady goes back to the light.
I thank my spirit guide and end the journey. I hope that Lady’s message will bring you comfort and peace of mind in your time of grief.
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with. For this reason, I have made my Sacred Spirit Journey service available, so you can receive a healing message from YOUR animal friend that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link below or on the menu at the top of the page where it says ‘receive a message’.