Animal Communication: A conversation with my cat Kia a week before she died

Helen Keller quote
Communicating with a beloved pet is very rewarding, and brings not just healing, peace and a deeper connection with the animal, but it also gives you a chance to hear directly from your companion, how they are doing and how you can best help them. That can be especially relevant if your animal companion is very sick or even dying.

The following is an excerpt of a conversation I had with my beloved cat Kia about a week before she died.

My cat Kia 4 days before her passingM:    How can we best help you now, Kia? Are you in pain? Are you going to be well again?

Kia:  “I’m sleeping so that our spirits can meet and rejoice in the love we share. My body is tired, but my spirit is free. My spirit can never be in pain, when I’m surrounded by so much love.

You can best help me by holding a sacred healing space of love and light for me to rest in.

My spirit is well and always will be, knowing that nothing can separate our souls anymore.

In your journeys and dreams I will be there to comfort and guide you, as you will comfort and guide me.

It was a blessed day when we met, and I’ll be forever grateful. Soul sisters are we, united in love.”

Footnote: Besides the beautiful message Kia brings to me, this conversation was also accompanied by a very interesting example of synchronicity (meaningful co-incidence).

As we end our conversation, Kia sends a special message of love to my husband who is at work at the time. A minute later my husband calls and tells me that someone had just come into his office and said, “There is a big black Kia outside”. He looks out the window and sees a big black Kia (car), not more than two meters from where he is sitting. And by the way – our Kia was both big and black.



  1. Alissa says

    Asia is a friend of mine. She offered me spiritual guidance in the weeks before my cat’s crossing. She is a wonderful animal communicator!

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