After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their … [Read more...]
Reuniting With Buddy The Angel Dog
Author: HPL ()
Filed Under: animal totem, Animals as teachers, Articles, Pet afterlife message, Sacred Spirit Journey
Widening The Circle Of Compassion – A Meeting With Deer
Author: HPL ()

One of my favorite ways of paying tribute to an animal companion is by learning from them. Our animal companions can give us a kind of unconditional love that we rarely find anywhere else, and I cannot think of a better way to honor our angel animal … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Afterlife, animal totem, Articles, Healing, Life after pet loss, Shamanism, Synchronicity Tagged With: compassion, deer, honoring your pet, shamanic journeying, spirit guide