Animals As Teachers – A Message Of Light From An Angel Cat

In a recent healing journey on of my angel cats, my orange cat Pittiput, showed up. The journey and his message was so moving that I have decided to share an excerpt of that journey here, so you may also benefit from his healing wisdom.

Pittiput - Healing Pet Loss - Marianne Soucy text shadowAs I connect with the spirit of my beloved cat Pittiput, I saw him coming from the direction of the East, accompanied by his power animal, a big male lion [animals can have power animals too…].

Up until then it had been raining, but as they arrived, the rain stopped and the sun came out.

Pittiput greets me and says:

“We come bringing light, and the strength to face a new day. Each day the world is created anew, so each night give thanks for the old day and let it go, resting in the inbetween as a new day prepares its coming. A new day to live and love, a new day to shine.

And for you who are hanging on to something or someone from the old day – letting go doesn’t mean you lose what you loved, because as you let go of the old day and embrace the new, you will see as you stand in the light of the Now that nothing is lost.

The present moment contains the past as well as the seeds of the future.”

He gives some more healing advice and then we sit together for a while on a bench in peace and look out over the sea. A wild rose is blooming next to us, sending us waves of its wonderful fragrance.

Lion - Marianne Soucy Gathering The Light at Healing Pet LossI look to our right past the rose – there’s Lion sitting, also looking out over the sea, into the horizon. I wish I could get that on film or a photo – Lion’s silhouette as he sits there is beautiful, peaceful, powerful and deeply moving. He turns to look at us for a moment, and the feeling is beyond description – humbleness, awe, surrender, infinite wisdom and compassion and power. A rare meeting with the Divine. A feeling that when you have someone like that on your side, anything is truly possible.

I thank them all for the wisdom and guidance and end the journey.

What thoughts came up about your own life as you were reading Pittiput’s message? You can write down your insights in a journal or share them in the comments section below.


  1. Wonderful books, thank you. My beautiful horse rose passed over a few years ago. I used to work in a shop that had a healing room and mediums. I am psychic too and could and still can sense she is with me, and can smell and feel her. A medium said when you feel her, ask if you can step into her – when I do so the love I felt coming from her and from me to her was amazing. They never truly leave us. It is lovely to see the experiences in your books confirm all this thank you

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