After the death of a beloved pet, the experience of emptiness can be overwhelming. Everywhere your pet used to be, there is now a hole. And the reality and pain of the loss hits you every time you come to a place where your pet used to be. This is a … [Read more...]
Healing Pet Loss: Reclaiming your happy memories
When you are grieving the loss of a beloved pet, at first your focus will be on what you’ve lost. You'll be overwhelmed by the pain of the loss, the grief and the guilt. Even all the positive memories you have of your pet might drown in feelings of … [Read more...]
My number 1 technique for coping with GUILT after pet loss
If you've lost a pet, you'll know that one of the toughest emotions to deal with after pet loss is GUILT. The guilt after the death of a beloved pet can be so devastating that you have no idea how you can go on. That happens especially if your pet's … [Read more...]
I will see you in the stars
After the death of your pet, you might feel as if all the light has gone from your life and you're surrounded by darkness. But death is like the night that follows the day: If you allow yourself to be in and experience the darkness, you'll see - like … [Read more...]
Healing pet loss tip: Creating word clouds with Wordle
In connection with pet loss, expressing yourself in creative ways can be part of your healing process. One interesting way I just discovered is creating word "clouds" for free with Wordle at Here is what I came up with when using some … [Read more...]
Synchronicity after pet loss: a true story
After the death of a pet, we often wish we could get some kind of sign that our pet is okay in the afterlife. We want to reach out to our beloved animal companion and feel the connection once again, even if only for a brief moment. And we can. If we … [Read more...]
Letting nature heal you after pet loss
Listen to the audio version of this article: Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast: Apple Podcast, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM The death of a pet can be a very stressful and painful experience when you … [Read more...]