After the death of a pet, we often wish we could get some kind of sign that our pet is okay in the afterlife. We want to reach out to our beloved animal companion and feel the connection once again, even if only for a brief moment. And we can. If we … [Read more...]
Letting nature heal you after pet loss
Listen to the audio version of this article: Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast: Apple Podcast, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM The death of a pet can be a very stressful and painful experience when you … [Read more...]
How the power of gratitude can help you heal after pet loss
When we have lost a beloved pet, the grief of the loss makes it almost impossible for us to see anything else. All the good times we spent with our pet as well as the other blessings we have in our lives, seem to fade into the background, while the … [Read more...]
Pets as family: the animal – human bond
I was just thinking about the term "pet owner" - do you think of yourself as the "owner" of a pet? If you are anything like me, you probably think of yourself more as a relative, friend, companion, and caretaker of your pet or animal companion. Pets … [Read more...]
Invitation to the Pinterest Pet Memorial Board
Remembering and Celebrating Our Pets On Pinterest Have you lost a beloved pet? Let’s connect on Pinterest to remember and celebrate our pets. Pinterest Pet Memorial Board I have created the Pet Memorial Board on … [Read more...]
One of the main benefits of meditation after pet loss
Are you having trouble sleeping after the death of a pet? If so, you are not alone. The overwhelming feelings of grief after the loss of your pet can be difficult to handle. Many of us are so busy during the day, that while we experience waves of … [Read more...]
Dealing with guilt after pet loss
After the death of a pet, one of the most common - and also most painful - feelings is guilt. When a beloved pet dies, it is so easy to get overwhelmed by guilt and regrets. There are so many things we wish we had done differently, and We feel … [Read more...]
Quotes on the loss of a loved one
"Master, what is the best way to meet the loss of one we love?" "By knowing that when we truly love, it is never lost. It is only after death that the depth of the bond is truly felt and our loved one becomes more a part of us than was … [Read more...]