Golden Shore – music for healing pet loss

The amazing song I am going to share with you, I first heard just a few days before my beautiful cat Pittiput died. It felt like Pittiput was singing his personal message directly into my heart. Whenever I hear this song, I feel connected with him. … [Read more...]

Bonding with your pet beyond thought

Usually, when we think of communicating or connecting with our pet, we automatically think in terms of talking to them or doing something with them. But one of my cats, Little Tut, taught me how to be together with him. Just being together with … [Read more...]

Does distance healing work?

One question I am often met with is whether the shamanic journeying and healing I do is as good or effective as being there and getting the work done in person. Whereas actually being there in the room when the shamanic journey or healing is being … [Read more...]

Tears in heaven

A common emotion after the death of a pet is guilt. Here are some situations, where we might experience guilt after the loss of a pet: If our pet died alone, for instance at home or among strangers, we feel guilty and think that if we were there … [Read more...]

A frequently asked question

One of the frequently asked questions I get is:"How can shamanic journeying help me after pet loss?"There is so much good information out there on helping you cope with the grief after the death of a pet. What is so special about shamanic … [Read more...]

Grieving after pet loss

Grieving is a process that we all go through when we lose someone we love. But how we experience grief, and how we handle it, is very individual. Symptoms of grief after pet loss Grieving doesn’t happen according to a schedule, but often comes in … [Read more...]

Little Tut and the tiger – an example of synchronicity after healing

Meaningful coincidences – or synchronicities – often happen in connection with healing.  (See “Synchronicities – signs from beyond” for an example with a grieving cat). In this post I will give you a recent example that happened in connection with a … [Read more...]

Synchronicities – signs from beyond

After the death of our pet, we often look for a sign from the other side that our pet is okay. And after a healing or a prayer we might also be looking for, or happen to stumble upon, those meaningful coincidences, also known as … [Read more...]

When your beloved pet is dying

Pittiput's last day.     Being in the situation where you know your pet is dying is very difficult and challenging. You are probably experiencing a wide range of emotions such as: despair, fear of losing the pet you love … [Read more...]

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