Three easy steps to make your own pet memorial ceremony

After the death of a beloved pet, we are left with the emptiness and grief after the loss, and the yearning and longing to be with our pet again is strong. Our pets are not just "pets"; to many of us they are companions, friends, and part of the … [Read more...]

One thing I have learned

Losing an animal companion that you love doesn't just leave you with a broken heart and a huge hole inside, it can also teach you painful and valuable lessons. The one lesson I'm thinking about right now is to be fully in the present moment with … [Read more...]

Hachiko – a grieving dog

If you've been asking yourself the question: "Do dogs mourn?", then you ought to check out the movie about the dog Hachiko, who waited 10 years for the return of his deceased master (in the movie from 2009 played by Richard Gere). Based on a true … [Read more...]

Euthanizing a pet

If you have had to make the decision to euthanize your pet, it's possible that you one moment feel that you did what was best for your pet, but that you the next moment feel torn apart by guilt and doubt, like for instance: Was it the right thing to … [Read more...]

Is my pet okay in the afterlife?

If your pet died a violent or sudden death, not only are you in a state of shock after the unexpected loss, but your concerns will also be with your pet: Is he/she still suffering or is he okay in the afterlife? Can he get help, if he's still in … [Read more...]

Sudden death of your pet

When your beloved pet dies a sudden death, the feelings of grief are especially intense. It's such a shock, that it can be difficult to accept that it actually happened. Saying goodbye In his book "The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying" Sogyal … [Read more...]

Do animals go to heaven?

This is a question many people ask when their beloved animal companion dies. In my opinion and from my experience - yes! I'm not in doubt that animals do go to heaven when they die. But why not get the point of view of an animal who has died? Here's … [Read more...]

Starting a new year and a new life after pet loss

As we enter a new year, you might also be entering a new life after the death of your beloved pet. The emptiness after the loss At first, the idea of a life without your pet seems impossible, as you are overwhelmed by the grief after the loss. And … [Read more...]

Christmas without your pet

If your beloved pet has recently died, then the upcoming Christmas won't be joyful for you, and you will feel the emptiness after the loss of your pet even more. Christmas is, for many people, a time for joyful celebration with loved ones, and it's … [Read more...]

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