The following took place a few weeks during one summer years ago when I was about 12 years old, but what happened has had such a deep impact on me and my life, that I finally decided to share it so that others may understand how deep a friendship can … [Read more...]
Three easy steps to make your own pet memorial ceremony
After the death of a beloved pet, we are left with the emptiness and grief after the loss, and the yearning and longing to be with our pet again is strong. Our pets are not just "pets"; to many of us they are companions, friends, and part of the … [Read more...]
One thing I have learned
Losing an animal companion that you love doesn't just leave you with a broken heart and a huge hole inside, it can also teach you painful and valuable lessons. The one lesson I'm thinking about right now is to be fully in the present moment with … [Read more...]
Do animals go to heaven?
This is a question many people ask when their beloved animal companion dies. In my opinion and from my experience - yes! I'm not in doubt that animals do go to heaven when they die. But why not get the point of view of an animal who has died? Here's … [Read more...]
Starting a new year and a new life after pet loss
As we enter a new year, you might also be entering a new life after the death of your beloved pet. The emptiness after the loss At first, the idea of a life without your pet seems impossible, as you are overwhelmed by the grief after the loss. And … [Read more...]