Bear speaks on interconnectedness and walking in light

Bear - Marianne Soucy - Gathering The Light

Animals are wonderful teachers – not only does your own animal companion bring you many gifts and lessons, but all animals have their own wisdom that can bring healing, inspiration and empowerment into your life.

Today, Bear’s message centers around the interconnectedness of all beings. In the following I will share an excerpt of the shamanic journey in which I had a meeting with Bear.

I always start my Sacred Spirit Journeys by becoming present – in the place I’m in as well as becoming present in my body. Listening to the sounds, taking a deep breath, letting the inhalation and exhalation take me deeper into stillness and peace. There is nowhere to go – to get inner peace and stillness – it’s all within. It can sometimes elude me, but I know it is there. It is who I truly am. I fill out my body with my awareness, letting it reach all parts of my being.

As the journey begins, I become conscious of my feet – I feel how I am walking on soft earth.

My power animal and I are on the path towards the west in the Lower World; going towards the bear cave. It is night, and the stars are shining. The sky is clear, so there are millions of stars blinking down to us. A magical night.

On top of the bear cave is a stone or rock platform where we join Bear and many of our animal friends who have gathered here in this magical night.

Bear says:
We are all stars in the sky – each one a little star lighting up a universe. As you go within to connect with your own light, you will recognize as you become that light, that you are connected to everything there is. The more you become your authentic self, the more you recognize yourself in others.

Interconnectedness – let that be a key word. We don’t exist separately but our lives are intricately interwoven. To illustrate this, just take a walk in a forest and see how everything is part of a whole. You may not always notice it in your daily life when there is balance, but if the balance gets disturbed in the forest, for example by pollution or other destruction of the place, or wildlife that exist there – then you’ll see. When one suffers, all are affected.

As you move about your daily life, do so with the knowledge of and a respect for all beings. Walk in love and know that we are all connected. When you allow yourself to embrace that interconnectedness – your life will be full of blessings, because all beings have a special gift, including you. Give your gift willingly and receive in gratitude the gifts offered to you from your fellow beings.

At the end of the day, write down the gifts and blessings you have received that day.

And as you begin the day, give thanks for a new day and a new chance to share your gifts with the world.

Walk in light, be light and share the light.

We say thank you and goodbye to everyone there and return. I end the journey.

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Action Step

Consider how you can implement Bear’s suggestions above. It doesn’t need to be elaborate, and a few minutes in the morning and in the evening is all it takes.

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Bear Wisdom: On Self-care and Taking charge of your life.

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