One thing that brings much comfort when your beloved pet has passed is receiving from them a personal healing message.
You can both listen to and read Sakshi’s message below.
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As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Jessi’s angel dog Sakshi, I first connect with my guides, send out the invitation to Sakshi to meet, and make sure I am fully present where I am. Taking a deep breath in and relaxing into peace and presence on the exhalation. Being here now. Filling my body out with my awareness.
Up until now, the weather where I am has been gray and cloudy, but in this very moment, the clouds move away and the sun comes out and starts shining beautifully. I received a dark pink orchid the day before I do this journey. It is in the window and just now, that the sun touches the flower with its light for a few minutes. My husband was fortunate to get a photo of it, and I will share the photo with you. It truly felt like a sign from beyond.
I then hear Sakshi say:
“I bring the light.”
As Sakshi approaches me, she is not alone. On her right (my left as I face them), is Archangel Uriel in his golden light, and on Sakshi’s left (my right) comes Archangel Jophiel with her dark pink light.
Between the two archangels is Sakshi, oh so beautiful and radiant. A bit like the photo where she is sitting on the grass and looking directly into the camera, but with extra Divine Light added.
It feels like we are on my familiar beach from many previous journeys.
When you face the sea, Uriel, Sakshi and Jophiel are coming from the left, and the sunlight is so clear, pure and divine, like the purest morning light.
[A note: In ordinary reality a horse walks by outside our house in this moment.]
Sakshi approaches me, greets me warmly and says:
“A new day is dawning, gifted by the Divine, shining in all its splendor.
We bring our gifts: Archangel Uriel of Divine Joy and Intuitive Insights and Archangel Jophiel of Divine Beauty with the sweet fragrance of roses, uplifting your thoughts; and me, I bring the Love of the Divine, unconditional love, and the loyalty of the bond that transcends death. A bond of love that connects our souls on our journey through eternity.
I chose this place, the beach, because it is sacred to you [as Sakshi nods to me], and because it brings that freshness, cleansing and perspective that Jessi can use now on her healing journey through grief.
Rest your eyes on the horizon and let peace settle on your heart and mind. Being here now. Observing. Witnessing. Blessed by the Light and Love, and held by the Divine in its Grace.”
As we stand calmly looking out over the sea, Sakshi’s presence has a powerful effect. She holds us all in her love, her peace, her strength, her light, and in her immense wisdom.
“Yes, she is wise, isn’t she?” That is Jessi speaking. She has arrived and is now standing on Sakshi’s left side, me on Sakshi’s right. The angels have withdrawn some.
Sakshi and Jessie greet each other warmly, Sakshi is so excited, she is like a puppy again.
Jessi says to Sakshi:
“My most wonderful sweet friend. It is such a gift to see you again. I guess I don’t need to ask if you’re healthy, because you obviously are. But are you happy? Are you disappointed because we couldn’t stop the illness or make you healthy again?”
Jessi sits down on the sand, and as Sakshi sits before her, they are face to face. Sakshi makes a move with her head so she touches Jessie’s face gently. Sakshi says:
“Make the most of every moment, not just here with me, but in life.
Be present with joy and appreciation. Choose to bring it to all you do, just like I did.
I am at peace, and I am happy, resting in the Divine Love and Light that is so richly available here.
Although it was hard to say goodbye to a life well lived with you and the rest of my loved ones, it was my time. The transition was easy because of your support and understanding – and because of your love.
Your love carried me through that last period. I didn’t want to miss one chance to show you that I love you. To be close to you where I belong.
I am so grateful for our time together – all of us.”
Jessi asks: “How do I move forward from here without you by my side?”
Sakshi says:
“You will move with me in your heart, for that is where our connection exists. It is a connection of the heart.
The answer to your question is: Consciously, with awareness, with love shining through each move you make, each conversation you have.
When you feel me in your heart, and walk through life radiating the joy, love and light that is the essence of me, you will bring joy to the world, you will be a part of healing the world, and you will fulfill that very important mission of spreading love that you came on Earth to do. It is a sacred task, and I know you recognize it as such.
The love we share is as pure as it gets. Connect with that very special love we have, and it is easy.
Continue sharing your thoughts, feelings, insights and stories. It is a way for you to understand the depth of our love, and share it with the world. A way also of manifesting the love that fills your heart and soul. It is also a tribute to our love , our life, to me – and I am honored and humbled by it.
You see my soul as I see yours. Soul sisters, travel companions, confidantes. I am fine, and you will be fine too. All is love, and all is well.” I keep hearing the words: Dawn Watcher
I see the image of the card with the same name from the card deck The Hidden Worlds Oracle Cards by Lucy Cavendish with artwork by Gilbert Williams. As I look at the card and read the card text, it makes perfect sense.
It is interesting how powerful and often correct and meaningful oracle or tarot cards are when they show up intuitively.
I suddenly find myself, in the journey, holding the Dawn Watcher card in my hand, so I give it as a gift to Jessi who takes it and looks at it and then holds it close to her heart.
Jessi says:
“Thank you for this – and thank you for reconnecting me with Sakshi. My heart is at peace now, and my soul is full with the light she brings and the love she so beautifully holds me in. I am so blessed.”
Jessi hugs Sakshi and they say a loving farewell.
“Will I see you again?”, Jessie asks Sakshi.
“Sure, just call or think of me, and I am with you. And if you enter your heart, we can travel in your heart’s beautiful landscape.
Our journey together has not ended.
As you get home now, send my love and my blessings to my whole family. Tell them I love them all and that I am thankful.
Live with joy.”
“What about the angels?” I ask.
Sakshi says:
“They are available if Jessi feels inspired to call upon them for inspiration, assistance or guidance.”
Then Sakshi and the angels merge with the light, and Jessie goes home to her family with the card and her heart filled with love and gratitude.
I give thanks and end the journey.
Up until now, the weather where I am has been gray and cloudy, but in this very moment, the clouds move away and the sun comes out and starts shining beautifully. I received a dark pink orchid the day before I do this journey. It is in the window and just now, that the sun touches the flower with its light for a few minutes. My husband was fortunate to get a photo of it, and I will share the photo with you. It truly felt like a sign from beyond.

I then hear Sakshi say:
“I bring the light.”
As Sakshi approaches me, she is not alone. On her right (my left as I face them), is Archangel Uriel in his golden light, and on Sakshi’s left (my right) comes Archangel Jophiel with her dark pink light.
Between the two archangels is Sakshi, oh so beautiful and radiant. A bit like the photo where she is sitting on the grass and looking directly into the camera, but with extra Divine Light added.
It feels like we are on my familiar beach from many previous journeys.
When you face the sea, Uriel, Sakshi and Jophiel are coming from the left, and the sunlight is so clear, pure and divine, like the purest morning light.
[A note: In ordinary reality a horse walks by outside our house in this moment.]
Sakshi approaches me, greets me warmly and says:
“A new day is dawning, gifted by the Divine, shining in all its splendor.
We bring our gifts: Archangel Uriel of Divine Joy and Intuitive Insights and Archangel Jophiel of Divine Beauty with the sweet fragrance of roses, uplifting your thoughts; and me, I bring the Love of the Divine, unconditional love, and the loyalty of the bond that transcends death. A bond of love that connects our souls on our journey through eternity.
I chose this place, the beach, because it is sacred to you [as Sakshi nods to me], and because it brings that freshness, cleansing and perspective that Jessi can use now on her healing journey through grief.
Rest your eyes on the horizon and let peace settle on your heart and mind. Being here now. Observing. Witnessing. Blessed by the Light and Love, and held by the Divine in its Grace.”

As we stand calmly looking out over the sea, Sakshi’s presence has a powerful effect. She holds us all in her love, her peace, her strength, her light, and in her immense wisdom.
“Yes, she is wise, isn’t she?” That is Jessi speaking. She has arrived and is now standing on Sakshi’s left side, me on Sakshi’s right. The angels have withdrawn some.
Sakshi and Jessie greet each other warmly, Sakshi is so excited, she is like a puppy again.
Jessi says to Sakshi:
“My most wonderful sweet friend. It is such a gift to see you again. I guess I don’t need to ask if you’re healthy, because you obviously are. But are you happy? Are you disappointed because we couldn’t stop the illness or make you healthy again?”
Jessi sits down on the sand, and as Sakshi sits before her, they are face to face. Sakshi makes a move with her head so she touches Jessie’s face gently. Sakshi says:
“Make the most of every moment, not just here with me, but in life.
Be present with joy and appreciation. Choose to bring it to all you do, just like I did.

I am at peace, and I am happy, resting in the Divine Love and Light that is so richly available here.
Although it was hard to say goodbye to a life well lived with you and the rest of my loved ones, it was my time. The transition was easy because of your support and understanding – and because of your love.
Your love carried me through that last period. I didn’t want to miss one chance to show you that I love you. To be close to you where I belong.
I am so grateful for our time together – all of us.”
Jessi asks: “How do I move forward from here without you by my side?”
Sakshi says:
“You will move with me in your heart, for that is where our connection exists. It is a connection of the heart.
The answer to your question is: Consciously, with awareness, with love shining through each move you make, each conversation you have.
When you feel me in your heart, and walk through life radiating the joy, love and light that is the essence of me, you will bring joy to the world, you will be a part of healing the world, and you will fulfill that very important mission of spreading love that you came on Earth to do. It is a sacred task, and I know you recognize it as such.
The love we share is as pure as it gets. Connect with that very special love we have, and it is easy.
Continue sharing your thoughts, feelings, insights and stories. It is a way for you to understand the depth of our love, and share it with the world. A way also of manifesting the love that fills your heart and soul. It is also a tribute to our love , our life, to me – and I am honored and humbled by it.
You see my soul as I see yours. Soul sisters, travel companions, confidantes. I am fine, and you will be fine too. All is love, and all is well.” I keep hearing the words: Dawn Watcher
I see the image of the card with the same name from the card deck The Hidden Worlds Oracle Cards by Lucy Cavendish with artwork by Gilbert Williams. As I look at the card and read the card text, it makes perfect sense.
It is interesting how powerful and often correct and meaningful oracle or tarot cards are when they show up intuitively.
I suddenly find myself, in the journey, holding the Dawn Watcher card in my hand, so I give it as a gift to Jessi who takes it and looks at it and then holds it close to her heart.
Jessi says:
“Thank you for this – and thank you for reconnecting me with Sakshi. My heart is at peace now, and my soul is full with the light she brings and the love she so beautifully holds me in. I am so blessed.”
Jessi hugs Sakshi and they say a loving farewell.
“Will I see you again?”, Jessie asks Sakshi.
“Sure, just call or think of me, and I am with you. And if you enter your heart, we can travel in your heart’s beautiful landscape.
Our journey together has not ended.
As you get home now, send my love and my blessings to my whole family. Tell them I love them all and that I am thankful.
Live with joy.”
“What about the angels?” I ask.
Sakshi says:
“They are available if Jessi feels inspired to call upon them for inspiration, assistance or guidance.”
Then Sakshi and the angels merge with the light, and Jessie goes home to her family with the card and her heart filled with love and gratitude.
I give thanks and end the journey.
❤️ Receive your own pet’s personal healing message

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Sakshi – Another good one. “you will move with me in your heart for that is where our connection exists.” I will fall asleep tonight with the memory of my Corgi. Thank you.