When a beloved pet dies, we can easily get stuck in the pain of the loss. But there is something that we tend to forget in the midst of our pain, and that is to celebrate the life of our pet and to feel and express our gratitude for all that our pet … [Read more...]
The Healing Power of Gratitude After Pet Loss
When you are grieving the loss of your beloved pet, the simple practice of gratitude can help you cope with and heal after your loss. I have personally found gratitude to be a very efficient and powerful practice, but somehow many of us tend to … [Read more...]
Communicating with pets in the afterlife – Q & A with Marianne Soucy
In this blog we’re going to do something a little bit different: I will answer a question I received from a reader. If you have listened to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast, read some of the blogs on the website or my book Healing Pet Loss, you’ll know … [Read more...]
Losing a pet – When your heart is hurting too much
"And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up!" ~ Charles Dickens When you have lost a beloved pet, … [Read more...]
Allowing gratitude to help you heal after pet loss
The practice of gratitude is a powerful tool for helping you cope with and heal after the loss of a beloved animal companion. In today's blog, I'll share a technique - or rather a perspective - you can use to move from grief to gratitude and open up … [Read more...]
Kia’s message of joy – wisdom from an angel cat
Since I lost my beloved cat Kia in 2012, I have received many messages of love and light from her, comforting me during my grief, and bringing peace and comfort to many others through my book, Healing Pet Loss and my blog posts on … [Read more...]