Healing Pet Loss: A Thanksgiving message

Listen to a Thanksgiving message from Marianne Soucy by clicking below: Thanksgiving & Pet Loss This Thanksgiving, I suggest you take a little time to reflect on the life you shared with your pet and give thanks for all the love your pet gave … [Read more...]

Life After Pet Loss: A simple mindset shift that helps you heal

When you have been grieving the loss of your pet for a while, you might get to the point where you feel the need to move on but can’t seem to do it. You still feel overwhelmed by the guilt and stuck in the pain of the loss. So how do you move on … [Read more...]

Healing Pet Loss: A healing meeting with an animal companion in the afterlife

"Sometimes words aren’t necessary, and the most powerful healing and memorable moments often take place in silence." - Kia Losing a beloved pet is very painful, but fortunately there are several ways to get comfort and healing when your animal … [Read more...]

Getting A New Pet After Pet Loss

If you have lost a beloved pet, one question you might have sooner or later is whether to get a new pet or not - and when the right time for getting a new pet will be. There are several things to take into consideration when deciding upon a new pet, … [Read more...]

Pets on Pinterest

How Pinterest images can be healing after pet loss   Source: agirlsrighttodream.tumblr.com via Marianne on Pinterest How often do you see an image as beautiful as this one? And not just because it's a photo of a cute kitten sitting in a … [Read more...]

Comfort from the beyond: Communications from a cat

”While we are mourning the loss of your friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil.” – John Taylor (Tweet this quote) Communications from our pets after they have crossed over can be healing and comforting. The following is part of a … [Read more...]

Animals As Spiritual Teachers

If you have a pet, you will have experienced first hand, how much love and joy your pet brings into your life. But you might not have thought of your pet as a teacher. However, if you look closer, then you will discover that your pet, besides love … [Read more...]

A Pet’s Prayer

A pet loss poem and a video on pet loss In this post you'll find a beautiful poem and a video about the loss of a beloved pet.  If I Should Grow Frail by Julia Napier If it should be that I grow frail and weak And pain does keep me from my … [Read more...]

Preparing for the death of a pet: A cat announces her imminent death

Sometimes it’s not the vets but the pets themselves who announce that they will soon be crossing over. They are gently trying to prepare you for that heartbreaking moment when they will no longer be here with you in their physical form. You might … [Read more...]

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