“My pet just died – should I get another pet right away?”

A question many pet owners ask after pet loss is how soon they should get another pet? The answer is individual and varies from person to person, but generally it is not a good idea to get a new pet right after the death of a pet. There are several … [Read more...]

Finding your path after pet loss

After pet loss, when you are grieving the death of your beloved animal companion, you might feel an emptiness, helplessness and lack of meaning in your life. And you wonder how to move on - or even what to do with your life. Before, your pet was so … [Read more...]

What if it was you?

How do you make the shift from grief to love and inner peace after the death of your beloved pet? If you have not already read my previous article, "It's not about the grief, it's about the love", go read it first, and then come back here to continue … [Read more...]

It’s not about the grief, it’s about the love

"What do you mean by that?", you are probably thinking. After pet loss, of course there is grief. Heartbreaking, painful feelings of grief. And yes, I do agree with the importance of acknowledging the grief. I know grief - I have experienced grief … [Read more...]

A meeting with a beloved pet in the afterlife

In this article I am going to share something very special with you. It is a meeting I had with my own deceased cat, Pittiput, in the afterlife during a shamanic journey about two months after he died. A little background My husband and I liked to go … [Read more...]

Removing obstacles with shamanic journeying

Sometimes the obstacles, worries, and challenges we encounter seem insurmountable to us, and we have a hard time dealing with them, let alone seeing a solution to them. One thing we often don’t realize, however, is that the only thing that is … [Read more...]

When people around you don’t understand the depth of your grief after pet loss

One of the things that can prolong the grief after the death of a pet is the lack of understanding you may encounter from people around you. After the loss of a human family member you can usually get sympathy, understanding and support from the … [Read more...]

How shamanic journeying can help you heal after pet loss

There is a lot of information available about coping with grief after pet loss, but from what I have seen, very little of that information includes the animals - the pet who died and surviving pets who are grieving the death of their friend. Great … [Read more...]

Dreaming while awake – a tool for healing

Today I am going to share with you a simple technique that will help you heal in a stressful situation, whether you are stressed at your work or you are grieving the death of your pet. I discovered it one day while I was sitting at a table in a café, … [Read more...]

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