The unexpected loss of a beloved animal companion – an old and trusted friend, can send us into a state of grief that can be difficult to cope with. That is what happened to Kasha, when her 15-year old dog Macey, died unexpectedly. She … [Read more...]
Meeting Macey – Reconnecting with a dog in the afterlife
Author: HPL ()
Filed Under: Afterlife, Animal Communication, Animals as teachers, Articles, Case Studies, Journeys for clients, Pet afterlife message, Pet loss, Sacred Spirit Journey Tagged With: afterlife, animal wisdom, grief, inner peace, shamanic journeying
Case Study – Jodie and her dog Lucky
Author: HPL ()

When Jodie approached me, she had tried everything she could think of to help her fear aggressive dog Storm (now Lucky) but nothing really seemed to help Storm. As I write this Jodie and Lucky has so far had 3 sessions of shamanic journeying which … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Articles, Case Studies Tagged With: healing, shamanic journeying