Comfort from the beyond: Communications from a cat

”While we are mourning the loss of your friend, others are rejoicing to meet him behind the veil.” – John Taylor (Tweet this quote)

Communications from our pets after they have crossed over can be healing and comforting. The following is part of a message I got from my cat Kia after she had died, when I asked her where she was:


I’m in your heart – the last place you’d think of looking. While you are tormenting yourself with guilt, I’m right here in your heart, exploring the vast space and dimensions accessible from here. …

What happened to being in the present moment? You fear that because you think it involves letting go – and losing – me. But if you allow yourself to be in the present – and let go of me – you’ll see that I’m not gone and that you can never lose me. Think of when you were out – fx at work – and I was home. You felt and trusted the connection with me, even though you couldn’t see me. Reconnect with that same trust now – I’m right behind the veil, one breath away.

The way to let go of the guilt and to heal is to recognize that you cannot control life. Things happen and you react. It’s not so much the actions that matter as the awareness behind and during these actions. It is learning to be present in each situation, and act from a state of peace.

You really need to forgive yourself – you’re only human. You have lost the natural ability to rest and live in peace and presence that we cats have kept. Connect with the other [cats]. They have all been sent to teach you – and to be taught and cared for by you. Investigate what you can learn from each…

Did we make a horrible mistake by taking you to and leaving you at the hospital?

There are no such things as mistakes. When you rest in presence everything that happens, happens as it is supposed to. There is not right and wrong. Practice being in the field beyond right and wrong. When you manage that, you will truly see me.

I hope this message from Kia has been helpful and comforting to you. Try to get quiet inside – for instance by doing a meditation – and think of the beloved pet you have lost. Feel the love and the bond and ask a question to him or her. Listen for an answer. It might not come as words, but maybe as an image, a feeling, a knowing.

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  1. Hi, you feel or have you ever heard of someone who received actual stuff from a cat that has moved on. My cat is beyond special. It’s been 3 months (tomorrow) and my husband & I are still devastated. We spent so much time in my bed before he crossed the rainbow bridge, I didn’t want to sleep in my bed. However, I have a bad back so my husband & son stripped the bed, put on brand new sheets and a fresh, clean comforter with new pillow cases as well. A few days after that, there was a pink feather on my pillow one night before bed. We had buried our cat with some of his favorite toys, including one with the same kind of pink feathers. On three or four other occasions, I have seen 1 tiny pink feather just fall down in front of me. They’re so thin, I hadn’t been able to catch one until today. I immediately put it somewhere safe. Am I crazy? or is this possibly our cat communicating with me?

  2. WeepingWendy says

    Panther died on Tuesday and I can’t stop weeping. I had him for less than four months. He was a four year old shelter cat that had diabetes and was probably already in renal failure when I took him home. I had some experience with diabetic cats as my Thumbs had diabetes for the last 2 years of her life. Hers was, to a degree, manageable. Panther was a different story. From the first day, he was filling the litter box to the point that I had to clean it two times a day. Near the end, it was four times a day – completely full. I am a small business owner and the economy is bad. I didn’t have the money to pay for insulin for him. I understand that insulin would have helped his pancreas but it would have done little for his renal function at the point that I got him. Two weeks ago, I finally convinced the shelter to let me get insulin at their cost. The vial came in, but I had to take him to the shelter to be weighed when the vet was there. I continued to feed Panther a reasonable diabetes friendly diet (the same that I gave to Thumbs), and I gave him renal food, but nothing helped, he was still peeing 5 times an hour (or more). He was scheduled to see the vet on Tuesday afternoon. I just couldn’t do it to him anymore. It would have been one vet visit after the other – and he hated gong to that shelter.

    On Tuesday morning, I called the shelter director and let her know that I felt that it was time for Panther to be put to sleep. On the ride to the shelter, Panther was perfectly calm – which he has never been before. However, as soon as we got to the shelter, he turned into the miserable unhappy cat that he was when he lived there before I got him. We had to wait all day for our appointment. He didn’t eat, he wouldn’t show affection, it was like he had lost his mind. When they came to get him, he was very angry. He thrashed and growled for 10 minutes, even after being given the sedative. I feel guilty because I feel like I should have just grabbed him off of the table and taken him home before they gave him the final injection – but I didn’t. I cried over his body, telling him over and over again that I loved him. I asked for a few pieces of hair and both girls left the room – one to retrieve scissors, the other a baggie. As soon as they left the room and the door was shut, Panther let out his last breath.

    I guess this wouldn’t be so bad if Panther hadn’t fought the sedative so badly. If he wasn’t in a miserable mood all day at the shelter. If he had been in terrible shape like Thumbs when she passed away. I miss him so bad. I miss those sweet nose kisses that he gave me over and over again. I miss nestling my head in his shoulder. I miss surprising him with yummy food that I made especially for him. I miss reading stories to him. I cleaned up his bowl, but have yet to empty his litter box. He still walked and ‘talked’ and ate and gave kisses and I regret letting him go so soon.

    My other cats (that I own) are looking for him. My male cat is very confused about why Panther went away and never came home. Tonight, he cuddled me a little bit. I’m generally a happy person. I don’t want to eat. I’ve been through over 200 Kleenex. My eyes and nose are so chapped that I have to put Bacitracin under them. I am in so much pain and I want it to end. I wish Panther would speak to me and tell me something – even if it’s just to cuss me out for the miserable last day of his life that he had at the shelter.

    • I am so sorry for your tragic loss and for the distressing ending that your precious cat Panther had. He obviously loved you very much and didn’t want to return to the shelter. He wanted to be with you – and notice that he took his last breath when he was alone with you, whom he loves. You did the very best you could with the means you had; and the events at the shelter were not your fault. Having to wait all day in such a difficult situation is certainly not ideal.

      Don’t be so hard on yourself – remember that Panther had the good fortune of living with and being loved by and cared for by such a compassionate woman as yourself. Imagine if he hadn’t got that opportunity. He experienced love; the last day’s events cannot change that.

      There’s a little exercise to connect with Panther you could try. This was suggested to me by one of my spirit helpers as I was formulating my reply to you.

      “Go into your heart and you will find Panther there. You feel as if your heart broken in a million pieces, but if you look closely, underneath the pain you’ll find the place of love. Connect with him there. Try this: Feel your heart center and go in with you attention. As you breathe in and out, feel the heart space expanding, and filling up with love, light and peace. Then imagine being with Panther in his and your favorite place, doing what you both loved the most. Then pass your message or question to him as you connect – and wait for his answer. His answer might not come in actual words – he might nuzzle up against you or otherwise show you with his behavior what he wishes to communicate.”

      You can always try the above exercise as you listen to relaxing music. But if you find it hard to focus right now, a guided meditation to help you connect with him can also be helpful. I am currently putting the finishing touches to a new guided meditation for connecting with a pet after they have died (a very different one than the one above). I’ll put up a notice as soon as it’s available.

      There’s much more I could say but cannot fit into this limited space. By the way – if you have some photos of Panther, you are welcome to share them on the Pet Memorial Board on Pinterest. Just contact me for further info if you would like that or if you have any questions.

      Peace and blessings, Marianne

  3. Dixie Fenn says

    I wish I could get that kind of message from my cat who died in December. Instead, I think he would say to me: “What the hell was going on with you? I was giving you some pretty obvious signs that something was wrong with me, and you were oblivious until it was too late. You idiot.” And he would be right.

    • I’m so sorry for the loss of your cat, Dixie. I’ve noticed with my cats that in hindsight many things are obvious and clear that are not obvious at all when you are in the middle of the situation. There can be many reasons for that, such as for example: Your cat has been having some of the same symptoms before and he got well, so you expect the same to happen now. Or you notice some of the signs and part of you fears the worst but can’t cope with the prospect of losing your cat, so you push it down, hoping it will get better. Or considering how good cats are at hiding illness and pain, you truly didn’t realize how serious those signs or symptoms were until it was too late – and it’s not until afterwards when you have the whole picture and the whole story that the signs seem so obvious, and you can’t understand how you could miss them.

      Your expectation of what your cat would say to you was pretty much the same response I expected, and that I felt I deserved, when I left my wonderful cat Kia in the animal hospital for tests and she died in the night. I felt I had betrayed her so badly; and knowing that it can’t be undone can be almost unbearable. But those judgmental feelings and thoughts are, in my experience, mainly in ourselves. They usually don’t come from our animals who have passed. No matter how I felt about myself or expected her to be angry, sad or disappointed with me, I never for one moment received anything but messages of love.

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