I will share below the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Patty and her the angel dog Padme.
After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones.
You can both listen to and read Padme’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple Podcast, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Padme, I find myself on the beach by the sea, a special place in the spirit realm I am familiar with from many previous journeys. It’s a beautiful day; the sky is blue, the air is fresh, and the sunlight is shimmering on the water.
My spirit guide and I stand on the beach, looking out over the water. To my left, I notice Padme come running along the water’s edge. She is happy and full of energy. She greets us warmly. She brings a red ball and I throw it a few times, and she runs and fetches it.
Eventually, Padme takes a break and sits next to me. She looks at me and says:
Marianne to Padme:
Padme says:
Padme stops speaking and stands looking out over the sea.
My angel cat Minnie suddenly appears with her flowers, flower fragrance and flower petals. Padme feels at home in Minnie’s beautiful energy.
Minnie says:
Padme says:
Marianne says:
Padme says:
A white dove comes with a very special greeting card that Padme writes a message on:
And she puts her paw print below the text.
The card looks like the Dove card from Radleigh Valentine’s Animal Tarot Cards.
Dove flies off with the signed card, and Minnie and Padme return to the Light.
I see how dove delivers it at Patty’s place. Patty picks it up, and is so happy to see Padme’s message. She puts the card where she can see it every day.
I say thanks and goodbye and end the journey.
Patty was very grateful for Padme’s message and received much comfort and healing. It is my wish that you too may find comfort in Padme’s message.
I have made my Sacred Spirit Journey service available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal friend that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link above or on the menu at the top of this page where it says ‘receive a message’.
After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones.
You can both listen to and read Padme’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple Podcast, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Padme, I find myself on the beach by the sea, a special place in the spirit realm I am familiar with from many previous journeys. It’s a beautiful day; the sky is blue, the air is fresh, and the sunlight is shimmering on the water.
My spirit guide and I stand on the beach, looking out over the water. To my left, I notice Padme come running along the water’s edge. She is happy and full of energy. She greets us warmly. She brings a red ball and I throw it a few times, and she runs and fetches it.
Eventually, Padme takes a break and sits next to me. She looks at me and says:
“As you can see, I am doing well, and I am strong and healthy.
This is a very healing and invigorating place to be, and I thank you for joining me here. Tell Patty to be gentle with herself, to take it easy and let the pain of the loss move through her, for as she does, without holding on or resisting, she will see that my love and the special bond we share, runs underneath the pain. It stays no matter what storms come along.
Honor your grief, but let it not be all you see, for our love survives it all, and thrives. Our spirits touch in the light, and through our hearts we connect as often as you wish.
The light that is in me, is the same light that is in you, so look beyond appearances. Go deep within your heart’s vast space and find me there. In the beauty of that space that is ours, I will meet you.
Just imagine being there – and you are there.
I know she feels that she let me down. Tell her not to worry, for all is well. There’s no need for regrets.
I feel deep gratitude for Patty’s care, concern, and love during my illness and last period leading to my passing. Let go of concerns regarding too late or too early. You did very well and acted in my best interest. I deeply appreciate that.
If you look within my heart, you will see that it is full of love for you.
I don’t waste time on regrets. I focus on being fully in the Now with joy, with love, and with gratitude.
There’s beauty in each moment. See that beauty within yourself and around you, and in the many fond memories we shared. Treasures that will stay with me forever.”
This is a very healing and invigorating place to be, and I thank you for joining me here. Tell Patty to be gentle with herself, to take it easy and let the pain of the loss move through her, for as she does, without holding on or resisting, she will see that my love and the special bond we share, runs underneath the pain. It stays no matter what storms come along.
Honor your grief, but let it not be all you see, for our love survives it all, and thrives. Our spirits touch in the light, and through our hearts we connect as often as you wish.
The light that is in me, is the same light that is in you, so look beyond appearances. Go deep within your heart’s vast space and find me there. In the beauty of that space that is ours, I will meet you.
Just imagine being there – and you are there.
I know she feels that she let me down. Tell her not to worry, for all is well. There’s no need for regrets.
I feel deep gratitude for Patty’s care, concern, and love during my illness and last period leading to my passing. Let go of concerns regarding too late or too early. You did very well and acted in my best interest. I deeply appreciate that.
If you look within my heart, you will see that it is full of love for you.
I don’t waste time on regrets. I focus on being fully in the Now with joy, with love, and with gratitude.
There’s beauty in each moment. See that beauty within yourself and around you, and in the many fond memories we shared. Treasures that will stay with me forever.”
Marianne to Padme:
“Patty asks if you can forgive her.”
Padme says:
“Let the gifts of my undying love heal the wound that seeks forgiveness.
What is there to forgive? I see only a cause for expressing gratitude and for celebration. Gratitude for sharing my life with Patty, and celebration for the joy we share. Joy of the heart: That was our life together.
Celebrate my life and the memories you have of us.
Share those memories with me in a celebration ceremony.
I will be by your side as always, because that is where I belong.
I send many greetings and blessings to all my loved ones.
Your lives may feel empty now, but the light and love I shine on you from beyond will comfort your hearts and ease your pain – and fill the hole of sorrow with the Joy of the Divine.
Live each moment fully, share your love with those you hold dear and take nothing or no one for granted.
I live on in your heart, and in the lives I left behind in your loving care.
I trust you with all my heart, and I bless you, my heart’s companion.
As you move forward, do so with faith, trust, and by following your heart’s inner guidance. Listen to the wisdom of your soul. That is your best guide.
I will be with you.”
What is there to forgive? I see only a cause for expressing gratitude and for celebration. Gratitude for sharing my life with Patty, and celebration for the joy we share. Joy of the heart: That was our life together.
Celebrate my life and the memories you have of us.
Share those memories with me in a celebration ceremony.
I will be by your side as always, because that is where I belong.
I send many greetings and blessings to all my loved ones.
Your lives may feel empty now, but the light and love I shine on you from beyond will comfort your hearts and ease your pain – and fill the hole of sorrow with the Joy of the Divine.
Live each moment fully, share your love with those you hold dear and take nothing or no one for granted.
I live on in your heart, and in the lives I left behind in your loving care.
I trust you with all my heart, and I bless you, my heart’s companion.
As you move forward, do so with faith, trust, and by following your heart’s inner guidance. Listen to the wisdom of your soul. That is your best guide.
I will be with you.”
Padme stops speaking and stands looking out over the sea.
My angel cat Minnie suddenly appears with her flowers, flower fragrance and flower petals. Padme feels at home in Minnie’s beautiful energy.
Minnie says:
“My dearest Padme, your soul is beautiful and ready to enter the Light. Will you go with me?”
Padme says:
“Oh yes. I will.”
Marianne says:
“Is there anything else we need to do or know?”
Padme says:
“Yes, we need to send Patty a gift or message.”
A white dove comes with a very special greeting card that Padme writes a message on:
“I love you.”
And she puts her paw print below the text.
The card looks like the Dove card from Radleigh Valentine’s Animal Tarot Cards.

Dove flies off with the signed card, and Minnie and Padme return to the Light.
I see how dove delivers it at Patty’s place. Patty picks it up, and is so happy to see Padme’s message. She puts the card where she can see it every day.
Patty says: “Thank you, Padme. I love you too.”
I say thanks and goodbye and end the journey.
Thanks Marianne for bringing comfort to my soul, I still miss her and will everyday, and I am grateful for knowing her and being part of her life.
She taught me what unconditional love means and how we can be happy with what we have and who we have in our lives. She was an amazing companion and will always be in my heart, and I will continue to honor her by loving her little ones.
‘Dear Padme, You will be the light in my darkest days, you will be the smile in my saddest days, you will be the love when feeling alone, and forever you will be my heart and my soul. Love you Padme.’
Patty was very grateful for Padme’s message and received much comfort and healing. It is my wish that you too may find comfort in Padme’s message.
Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journey service available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal friend that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link above or on the menu at the top of this page where it says ‘receive a message’.