Divine blessings for our cat Little Dab 4 days before her passing

After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones. In the following I will share the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Little Dab, four days before her passing.

You can both listen to and read Little Dab’s message below.

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In this episode of the Healing Pet Loss Podcast, I will share a special and very beautiful Sacred Spirit Journey I did for our cat Little Dab 4 days before her peaceful transition to the Light on 14 November 2020.

Little Dab was the most gentle and peaceful cat you could imagine. She had been with us for many years. As her body became more fragile, and her passing was clearly approaching, I checked in with her often to bring her support on a spirit level, hear from her how she was doing and what she needed. We were ready to bring her the assistance of a vet anytime, but at no point was that necessary. She wanted only peace and our presence. I spent many hours by her side, just being with her, singing to her, holding her in my love and gratitude, and caring for her physical needs, taking one day at a time.

I got inspired to do this journey when I one day was sitting by her and was playing some angelic music for her by Eric Berglund, called Healing Lights. Here’s what happened: As I listen to the music, I open my heart and mind to the music, letting it touch my body, soul, spirit. I feel the energy and fragrance of flowers around us, enveloping me, Little Dab, and the whole room, in a soft peaceful energy. The purple on the YouTube video, where the music is playing, keeps drawing me to Archangel Jeremiel, and he appears. Archangel Jeremiel smiles and says:

“Acknowledge and cherish everything you have been through together. What you’ve seen, done, felt. It’s all part of your life, your soul’s growth.

Count your blessings, for a love so pure and deep – yes, and delicate – is rare.”

LD quote image 590 Aa Jeremiel speaking “The pure soul you have harbored in your home and life, is a child of God. She will now be returning home. Rather than seeing it as death and loss, see it as her birth into spirit. See her reuniting with the Big Light, where her soul is home and at peace.

Reviewing your life doesn’t need to be after you die only, but is good to do before, as the insights you’ll get will move you into a deeper sense of gratitude, presence, and Divine Love.

Today, hold the love for her, hold the light, and let her spirit adjust to the Divine Light that is opening for her.

She will be safe. She will be guided. She is much loved, on Earth as in spirit, especially among the angels.

Her soul is angelic, but I think you know already. Hold her in your gentle love. She knows you’re there. She loves you.

Blessings to you all.”

The soft purple/lilac colored light is replaced by clear Divine Light.

We are now in the Light, and Little Dab too. Close to her is a big rose quartz, and its soft energy embraces us all.

Rose petals and rose fragrance envelop us, and shortly afterwards Archangel Jophiel and our angel cat Minnie show up. Minnie speaks:

“We hold the beauty for you. The Divine Beauty which brings bliss to your soul. We are ready, Little Dab, when you are. We love you, we honor you. We hold the light for you.”

Little Dab lifts her head and says:

“Thank you, everyone, for all the kind words. It means so much to me.”

Little Dab turns to me and says:

“Thank you both for your kind love and care through all the years. I have been blessed to share my life with you.

Be at peace as to what is about to happen.

Don’t move into fear. I will show you what I need.

Let go of trying to heal me and just BE with me, care for my needs as I indicate.

Holding a sacred space, holding me in your light and love is especially important.

Help open the portal to the Divine when the time comes. Don’t ‘try’ hard, just let the opening to the Light reveal itself to you at the appropriate time.

I will be fine. I will be at peace, safe, cared for.

Visit me when you can. I would appreciate that, but live your lives fully and fear not. Seek the peace within, for without that, there will be no peace without.

It is within the stillness of your heart, the Divine opens its gates and invites you into its embrace.

Be well, my friends.

Walk with love and gratitude.

We will see each other again.

See me in the light that you so treasure.

See me in the beauty of nature.

See me in the peace you find in your heart.

I love you.”

I thank her and hold her in my arms. Suddenly, we’re back home and Little Dab is lying on her chair, at peace. There is a faint light around her. Big Bear, a well-known spirit guide, is standing close, bringing strength, healing and sacred space. It is time for going within.

I say: “Thank you all, especially thank you to you, Little Dab.”

I end the journey and feel blessed for this enchanted meeting.

Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️

I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.

I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.

Copyright © 2011-2025 Marianne Soucy & Healing Pet Loss. All rights reserved.
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