Divine teachings from a beloved cat in the afterlife

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Animals can be very wise. Those of us who share our lives with animals experience this often. Just think of the unconditional love and loyalty they show us, as well as their ability to be fully present in the Now, and the joy and light they radiate.

If you have read some of the articles on this website or in my book “Healing Pet Loss – Practical Steps for Coping & Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides“, you will have seen that we can also connect with our animal friends after they have passed. By doing so, we can re-establish the bond we may have thought was lost after they passed, and also receive the wisdom they have for us to handle the grief we are struggling with after their death, as well as guidance and words of wisdom from them that we can use on our path through life.

In a moment I will share a Sacred Spirit Journey I did about 3 months after my beloved cat Kia died. There are many ways to connect with our animal friends in spirit, and for those of you who wish to connect with your own angel animals, you may find some useful tips – the most important one being: Ask for help. Let’s get started!

I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with my angel cat, Kia. At first, I can’t see her.

I hear Kia say,

“Take off the veil and let the light inside you shine and light up the darkness without. By your own light you shall see clearly.”

I imagine taking off a gray cloak or veil, and as I do, I feel as if I’m peeking out through an opening into a beautiful landscape: A white sandy beach and a calm ocean. There are also some trees.

My spirit guide makes the opening wider and I step onto the beach. I notice I have bare feet and I’m wearing summer clothes (in ‘ordinary’ reality it’s October, cold and rainy).

“Welcome”, my spirit guide says. “Kia is waiting for you.”

Kia angel quote - Healing Pet Loss Marianne SoucyI go down closer to the water and see Kia sitting looking out over the ocean. As I approach, Kia turns her head and looks at me and smiles with her eyes.

“Watching the sun setting over the ocean is peaceful”, Kia says.

She is resting in herself and seems to have all the time in the world.

Kia continues,

“I’m beyond time now; resting in the present gives you access to past and future – for they are all one. The Now is all there ever is. It is in the Now you will find yourself”.

I sit calmly beside her and listen to the soft sound of the waves as the sun goes down. The sun goes down and leaves a dark blue/black night sky filled with millions of stars.

“Connect with or meditate on the light of a star to connect with the light within yourself – your own star nature. Each star is a portal into you”, Kia says.

As I contemplate a star, I experience being surrounded by white light.

“Very good”, I hear Kia say. “Here you can see and connect with the angel side of me. Being an angel, a divine light messenger, means to embody your starlight nature and shine that. When you connect with others while embodying your starlight nature, you will help them connect with their own divine self. It’s as simple as that. There are many ways to do that – stars is just one. Come back for more teachings, if you wish.”

“I will. I love you, Kia. And I miss you.”

“I love you too. Remember, I am with you in spirit and eternally connected with you through the infinite love that we share. Live in love, be love, and make it your mission to share love. Blessings.”

And in the twinkling of an eye, she is gone.

I thank Kia and my spirit guide and end the journey.

If you wish to hear what message and what teachings your animal in the afterlife is waiting to share with you, then you can learn more about how you can receive a message from your angel animal here.

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