Dreaming while awake – a tool for healing

Dreaming while awake - meadow

Today I am going to share with you a simple technique that will help you heal in a stressful situation, whether you are stressed at your work or you are grieving the death of your pet.

I discovered it one day while I was sitting at a table in a café, taking a short break in a busy day, and thinking about how I had been so busy that I had not been sleeping very well for a couple of days. It occurred to me: “I’m not dreaming much these days, so let me dream a little now as I sit here”.

I took a notebook and started writing as images and sensations came:

I am dreaming of a beautiful summer day. The sun is shining and the sky is blue with a few white clouds. It is still early summer and the weather is not too warm; it is pleasant with a slight breeze.

I am walking in a meadow full of wild flowers; beautiful white, blue, yellow, and red. I am wearing a light dress and feel calm and content, not the usual feeling of stress I had been experiencing lately.

“You don’t need to stress in order to get things done”, my spirit helper says. He is walking beside me, picking wild flowers as we walk, making a bouquet more beautiful than you could get in any store. “Take time to dream, or journey – to reach and experience that state of peace from which true creativity, productivity, and meaning flow. When you approach your day or your work from this state, for example with the image of us walking here in the meadow, then your work won’t feel like work, but will seem like play – effortless. Like the writing you are doing now in physical reality while we are enjoying ourselves here in the sun”.

And he continues: “You can use that in your work with pet owners who have lost their pet. They too can sit down with a piece of paper with the intention to ‘dream’. And when you use the word dream in your intention, you will almost automatically be drawn to something positive, as dreaming is seen and felt as something pleasant. Imagine you are with your deceased pet – Where are you? What landscape?, What are you doing or feeling? Is there any communication between you and your pet? Just relax and allow yourself to dream”.

This is what i experienced in my brief “dream walk” in the meadow with one of my spirit helpers.

So, to sum up; when you have a few spare moments, sit down, relax and allow yourself to “dream”, and write down whatever comes to you. No straining, just see what comes as you begin to write. You might be surprised. I know I was. Feel free to share your dreaming while awake experience in the comments below.


  1. Hi Marianne,
    You don’t need stress to get things done is such a profound statement and so very true. I am at my best when I am calm. cool and collected.

    I take at least 5 minutes daily to sit still, relax, reflect and create the life that I want.

    • Hi Justin,
      Thanks for your comment. Yes, I like that statement too – it’s one of those simple ones where you think “I know that already” – but most of us seem to get caught up in the stress so easily (I know I do sometimes).
      I find it esp important to try to make time in the morning to center. It makes a big difference in how I start my day.

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