Embracing Forgiveness

Forgiveness quote - Minnie - Healing Pet Loss - Marianne Soucy 940 shadow

Life wisdom from an animal companion

Have you noticed that often in life we feel guilt and regret, and we may feel that we don’t deserve to be forgiven?

Do we really need to stay stuck in guilt and feel that we are ’undeserving’ of forgiveness?

This topic came up one day, I was lying down and my cat Minnie came up lying on my chest, with her head close to my face. She was purring with half-closed eyes.

The word ’Forgiveness’ came to mind, and I felt her sending waves of forgiveness and love my way.

My first reaction was, “I don’t deserve it.”

Then Minnie communicated to me:

“Let go of judgment, and let go of the idea that you don’t deserve forgiveness.”

Marianne: “What am I being forgiven for? Why are you forgiving me?”

Minnie - Marianne Soucy - Healing Pet LossMinnie:

“I am sending you forgiveness – that’s not the same as I forgive you.

Of course I forgive you, but that indicates a perceived wrongdoing.

I send you forgiveness, for it is the way to bring peace to your heart and your mind.

When you allow the energy of forgiveness to enter you, you open up to receive what’s being given to you – and you’re able to give what you couldn’t give before.

Receive the love and light that’s waiting for you to open up – and allow yourself to give the peace of forgiveness to yourself and the ones you realize you haven’t yet forgiven.

Holding on to grudges, to pain, to feelings of ‘unfair’ etc. drains you and keeps you from being in the peace of the now.

Forgiveness is an acceptance of the Now. Stop struggling with resistance and wanting things to be different than they are.

When you allow yourself to enter the now fully, you’ll experience peace. Forgiveness is one way of entering that peace.

Accept the forgiveness that’s being given and pass on forgiveness to yourself as well as others you’ve been wanting to change. They’re actually more likely to ‘change’ when you change.”

I thank my beloved cat Minne for sharing her insights.

Action step

What difference does the shift to ’embracing forgiveness’ mean to you – as opposed to ”Forgiving someone’ or ’asking someone to forgive you’?

Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.


  1. Linda Miller says

    Thanks so much for this wonderful post! I have been struggling with the issue of forgiveness for a while, just recently realizing that the way, the truth and the light of joyful living is the forgiveness way – a daily practice I am finding!. But I have been stuck on finding fault with myself – and so the forgiveness never felt that good or like something I deserved! Minnie’s teaching that the spirit of forgiveness is not to point out wrongdoing or that we “screwed up” but rather a way of seeing ourselves (our best selves!) in the present moment as it truly is – I love it! Also, what she says about guilt & blame not helping anyone and preventing us from connecting with our beloved animal companions who have passed on makes so much sense!

  2. Hi Marianne,

    I left my comment for you over on VFA. For some reason, pasting my comment here isn’t working either :-(

    Great post and great wisdom from Minnie <3

  3. What a gorgeous example of the ways our animal companions support us with experiencing a shift in perspective! Thank you for sharing this beautiful story with us Marianne. And I love what Minnie had to say about sending forgiveness vs forgiving.
    Many joyful blessings, Tina

  4. What a lovely post. Allowing forgiveness to wash over my life has truly set me free. I grateful for the lesson and feel so much lighter. Our pets are amazing healers.

  5. What a lovely post about accepting forgiveness. I love all the implications this message has for letting go of the past and moving forward!

  6. ‘Embracing forgiveness’ feels much more peaceful than asking for forgiveness. Embracing seems more loving, softer. Animals can be so wise! Thank you, Marianne.

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