After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones.
In the following, I will share a Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Amanda’s angel dog Gary, and Gary’s beautiful healing message. I share it with you to help you attain peace of mind in your time of grief.
Dear Marianne,
What a beautiful message! Thank you so much for connecting with our sweet angel dog, Gary! I know this will help my family and I, and bring peace to heal our heart. You have such a wonderful gift, thank you so much for sharing it! ❤️ Amanda
You can both listen to and read Gary’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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I was inside as I began to prepare for the journey, but I felt a strong need to be outside, so now I am sitting under the old apple tree in our garden with our cat Little Tut on my lap. I take in my surroundings on this beautiful day. Many strong emotions are connected with the events surrounding the last days and passing of Gary. Being outside in nature seems to bring peace.
It’s afternoon and the intensity of the midday sun and activity is replaced with softer light and calm, but there’s still activity and life in the garden.
From my experience with many other journeys, usually what happens as I prepare for journeys for pets in the afterlife also has significance for the journey. Therefore I include it here. What I just described may be helpful for Amanda in dealing with the loss of her beloved Gary.
As I listen to the blackbirds and the other birds, I center even more in the present moment. Letting go of my to-do list and everything I don’t need right now. Resetting the intention to become a hollow bone. Take a deep breath in and relax into peace and presence on the exhalation. The beauty around me brings peace and beauty to my heart and soul.
A white butterfly comes by. One of the first ones this year. An auspicious sign for the journey.
Again I get the feeling that it’s important for Amanda and family to create or seek out an environment that support their healing.
“I have been listening to his message daily, it has been very helpful for me. I know it will take a very long time to heal, I still feel empty without him. But I am thankful for your other tips and I am trying to focus on those as well. I can’t thank you enough for connecting with our beloved angel dog, Gary. Blessings to you!” ❤️ Amanda Simpson
I call on my spirit guide.
Almost instantly, I hear Gary say:
“On butterfly wings I come to you today to bring you good tidings from the light.As Gary is done speaking, I see him clearly. He is in a place of light, close by. There’s much wisdom and love in this beautiful soul. And he is poetic too. I thank him for his beautiful message and promise to bring it to Amanda and family.
My spirit is well, and in the light I am whole, healed, and surrounded by so much love.
Do not worry, for all is well.
I do not hold any grudges or resentment against you, or even regrets, for the life and love we shared was beautiful, and I will treasure that love and the many fond memories in my heart forever.
Although a longer life in physical form is what we all wish, it is good to remember that it is not so much the length of a life but the quality of the life lived that really matters. And boy, did I have a good life with you!
The last period was challenging for us all. Please do not hang on to feelings of guilt but instead accept and acknowledge that you did your best, and use the experience to learn from. As you learn, you will be honoring me and my life, and I would be grateful.
There is not space for regret. No, keep returning to the peace of the present and to the gratitude that fills your heart when you are blessed with so much love.
Life is precious. I lived it fully as long as I could. Live your life fully too with all the joy I taught you.
I will be visiting and send you signs of love from the light of the beyond.
Take the time you need to grieve, to heal, and let the many fun and tender moments we shared warm and comfort your heart.
I will draw near as you reminisce and share in those special memories.
Walk forward with an open heart and share the joy that is in your heart. Grief clouds it right now, but joy is there. Your joy wants out. It want to be shared – and so does your love.
Let another animal who needs it, be blessed by the light of your love.
I send you all my special blessings, my love and my heart’s light. May it bring you comfort during the long days and nights when grief fills your heart and soul.
Trust that I am near and that I am well.
Through our hearts we are connected always. Beyond time and space our bond so beautiful lasts forever.
I am not really gone, for my love whispers soft messages to your heart. Let peace fill your heart and gratitude lead your steps.
As one we will go forward, sharing the love that the world is built on. Be a living reminder that love is the most important thing there is.
With many blessings and deep gratitude in my heart for this opportunity to bring you this message, I bid you farewell for now.
Call on me whenever you need me, and I’ll be there. I love you all from the bottom of my soul.
Love always, Gary”
Anything else? I ask.
Gary says, “I will return to the light now. Be blessed. Remember you are not separate from the light. You ARE light.”
We say goodbye and Gary leaves.
Such a wise old soul. I feel honored to have met this beautiful angel dog. I give thanks and end the journey.
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with. For this reason, I have made my Sacred Spirit Journey service available, so you can receive a healing message from YOUR animal friend that has passed. If you want to learn more, click here or on the menu on top of the page where it says ‘receive a message’.