After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones. In the following, I will share below the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Georgia, the white boxer.
You can both listen to and read Georgia’s message below.
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The greatest wish of those who have lost a beloved pet is to experience that connection again that the physical companionship with their animal friend inspired. A direct connection with your pet is the best medicine for healing after pet loss, and below we will hear from Natalia’s angel dog Georgia, as I connect with her in a Sacred Spirit Journey,
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Natalia’s angel dog Georgia, I center in my heart.
Georgia is close by, and she is practically pulling me into her landscape, like I have a leash on her and she is pulling me on the leash. We’re in a wooded nature landscape.
Georgia sits now in front of me, looks at me and greets me.
[PS: I was doing this journey in our garden below an old apple tree. As I got to this place in the journey, a beautiful butterfly came flying by, circled around for a while and sits briefly on a leaf in the sunlight before taking off again.]
Georgia says:
As you spend time in some of our favorite places, do so with presence and joy in your heart as you think of our happy memories. Sadness may come visiting too, but keep returning to the joy we had. For we did have much joy, didn’t we?
Let go of all the regrets you have, for they only serve to keep us apart. Those emotions and thoughts put up a wall between us.
All you need to do is to return to gratitude. From time to time, send me an image of a fond memory. See through my eyes the beauty of the world around you. Live in the present, like I did.
We can learn much from each other. I treasured your infinite love and the care you showed me, and I will be forever grateful for sharing my life with you.
Life is too short for guilt and regrets, so please use your time wisely and set the intention to live life to the fullest, not just in my honor, but also for your own sake. I can experience the beauty of life through you and I can feel your joy too.
Move into gratitude each day and cherish your loved ones, for the memories you create today will last forever.
I know you have always loved me with all your heart and soul, just like I have always loved you.
Our souls arise from the same joy, and our hearts are connected with a bond that reaches across time and space.
Georgia stops speaking and looks around.
Marianne: “Thank you so much. Is there anything else you want to do and show me?”
Georgia says:“Yes”
We suddenly find ourselves in a room where Natalia is sitting on a chair. Georgia gets so happy as she sees Natalia and goes over to her. She tries to get her attention, and when Natalia’s hand for a moment hangs down beside her, Georgia rubs her head against Natalia’s hand, and Natalia touches the body of the one she has been longing for. As she realizes Georgia is there, she gets off the chair and sits on the floor next to Georgia, embracing her, telling her how much she loves her and how she has missed her.
Georgia says:
I am right here. Don’t let your doubts block the knowing that our spirits can meet, that I am still here, although not in the same form as we were used to.
Keep moving into your heart and use especially your heart and your intuition to see, to guide you and to connect with me. I still have lessons to teach you. Learn from how I met life, and try to meet it with the same joy and openness. In spite of what may be going on around you, you can still choose to live from the heart. That’s why animals like me are so important to the sanity, well-being and future of humans.
Embrace my unconditional love, my eternal gratitude and my ability to see the beauty in all and find the good in the hearts I meet.
My heart belongs to you, so our souls will always be connected. You know that already in your heart.
Your heart is the wise one. Listen to your heart.
Your heart is broken, you say. Your heart breaks open so it can expand and contain even more love.
When you let go, you will see that all that you love is still with you in some form. The key is to be open to what that form might feel and look like.
Let go of ideas of how our communications or connection is or should be, but listen to your heart, and it will safely guide you to me.
As you follow the light in your heart, you will be guided to me.
Let go of your pain, grief and self-blame, and open up to the love that I hold for you.
What else is there anyway? What else matters?
Love and gratitude are the most powerful forces. A daily practice of gratitude is another way to me and to healing for your heart and soul.
Yours always,
They say a warm goodbye.
And Georgia says:
I’ll be off for now, but you can always find me if you go into your heart. Your heart is a portal to me and my love
Georgia goes into the sunlight and becomes one with the light. As Natalia sits in the sunlight afterwards, she feels she is being blessed by Georgia through the warmth and light of the sun. Deep gratitude fills her and her heart is at peace.
We say goodbye and leave. I thank my spirit guide and end the journey.
Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.