Monkey a.k.a. Fu-Man Monkey
[Gifts at the end of the rainbow – meeting angel cat Monkey in the Light]
One thing that brings much comfort when your beloved pet has passed is receiving from them a personal healing message.
You can both listen to and read Monkey’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Jocelyn’s angel cat Monkey, I become fully present where I am, and in my body. Filling out my body with my awareness. Experiencing the light in my heart center, and watching how the light expands as my awareness expands, not just to fill out my whole being, and even beyond.
I focus on Monkey, asking to connect with him. I then see a rainbow appearing, starting in my heart, going out, stretching far beyond. I follow, floating along the rainbow. At times I feel that I am within the rainbow light, enjoying the experience of being bathed in the different rainbow colors.
Jocelyn can do that too, my spirit guide says. Either like here, or she can work with the colors. Do color meditation or in other ways explore and use colors in her healing and soul work.
The rainbow ends by a little lake of water by a small waterfall. All the little water droplets from the falling water shine in different rainbow colors. It is magical. Monkey is sitting by the side of the waterfall, he is expecting us.
We greet him warmly, and he is happy to see us. He is focused. Clearly, he is on a mission.
Wait here, Monkey says.
Monkey disappears behind the waterfall momentarily. He re-emerges with a long necklace with stones in many colors hanging around his neck. The necklace has a crystal ‘drop’ at the bottom. It is actually too long for him to wear, but it does not hinder Monkey at all.
Monkey starts walking to the left side of the waterfall (as we are facing it). As we walk, the landscape becomes more open and rocky. The sun is shining brightly.
We come up on a cliff and discover that we have a wonderful view out over the sea.
Monkey goes and sits upright by the edge, looking out over the sea, proudly waiting. The sunlight makes him (and the necklace) radiant.
Jocelyn arrives and approaches Monkey smiling.
You summoned me?, Jocelyn laughs. When you call, I come. Always, my precious one. You look good. Not sick anymore.
Monkey smiles and says:
No, I’m not sick anymore. I’m strong, healthy and happy. Especially now that you are here.
I visit you, for being by your side is where my heart is at peace and at home. But seeing you here with me in the Light is a special honor.
I am so grateful for everything you have done and been for me throughout the years. We are partners, you and I.
An era has ended, but our souls’ journey together continues. We are connected through our hearts, and our souls are family.
As you see, I bring a special gift for you. It comes from a sacred cave behind the waterfall. if you want it, come and take it. It is specifically for you.
It will remind you of me. It will harmonize your heart’s powerful and wonderful energy and light, and the various stones and colors give you different focus points and guidance each day as you reach within for guidance for your day. Use your intuition as to how to use it.
Jocelyn says:
Thank you so much. I am grateful for this beautiful gift, and I am especially grateful to see you again. Your beautiful soul and light has lit up my life for a long time. Now it will light up my heart, for that is where you belong.
Can you forgive me for not noticing the signs of your illness earlier?
Monkey replies:
Don’t worry. All is well.
There is nothing to forgive, nothing to worry about. There is just us here and now. There is our love, our bond, the rainbow that is connecting us. You can travel on that rainbow to me. You can find gifts and nice surprises from me, if you, in your imagination travel to the end of the rainbow.
Let wonder, awe, magic, and joy enter your life. Let the beauty of your soul be seen in the world. let the joy of our shared life be expressed in your life. Don’t be sad. A joyful period has ended, but let yourself feel blessed that we experienced what was ours, and lived fully.
We both knew what gift and blessing our life together was. Keep that presence, awareness, and gratitude as you move forward. If you get inspired, find ways to pay tribute to what we had, to us.
Focus on gratitude each day. That will help fill the hole you experience in your soul.
Gratitude for our life together, gratitude for what you have in your life now.
Gratitude for the little things, for the kindness of strangers, for the beauty you see on a daily walk.
It is so simple, yet powerful. Just speaking the words: ‘Thank you’ is almost like saying a prayer.
Let your heart and mind be at peace, for I am fine. I am happy,and I have friends to play and explore with.
When you need me, call on me and feel me near.
Do not doubt what you know is me. Listen to your heart, for it speaks our souls’ language.
Let us have some fun with the rainbow colors. Let’s choose one. Why not yellow now. Like the sun. See, there’s a sunflower. It turns its face towards the sun. Take that with you home and practice being like the sunflower, and turn your face towards the sun. Feel how when the sun shines on your face, it’s me kissing you. Perhaps you even feel a whisker on your cheek.
Monkey smiles, Jocelyn too. She picks the sunflower. It represents joy.
A little bird comes by and says:
It also represents giving, for it contains seeds that are freely offered to and enjoyed by us birds. Give of the joy you have. Share of the love your heart is overflowing with. The sadness you feel is love, you know. The love you think is gone or lost: Look in your heart, and you will see that nothing is lost. All the treasures in the world reside in your heart. Bless you. The bird flies away with a little seed.
Jocelyn says:
All these gifts, love and magical moments. They were unexpected, but so appreciated. Thank you all, especially you, my precious Monkey. I will go home in peace, comforted in my soul. I love you so very much.
Monkey says:
I love you too. Always and forever. I will leave you now with rainbow blessings. Just follow the rainbow home. See you.
They say a warm farewell. A rainbow appears and Jocelyn follows as she waves goodbye to beautiful Monkey in his magical landscape.
I give thanks and end the journey.
Jocelyn’s response to Monkey’s message:
(shared with permission)
Dear Marianne,
I too feel that the zoom meeting was very ‘special’ as well.
I really believe that the bond between myself and Monkey was (is) beyond anything that I have ever felt before, and I never really spoke about it as most humans do not understand and I am very happy that you do understand.
Thank you so much for the message from Angel Cat Monkey, it is so meaningful to me and there are so many details that speak to my heart. The necklace still amazes me as I’ve had the stone necklace that I showed you [on our zoom call after the journey] for as long as Monkey has been here, it has been in my jewelry box, but it fits the same description of what you saw Monkey wearing during the spirit journey. Sunflowers have always been my favorite flower and I find it comforting as well that Monkey guided you toward the yellow color of the rainbow, the sunshine and Sunflowers. The little bird is quite meaningful to me as I try to support a small eco-system and give back to nature in kind. I find the birdsong soothing and fun to watch them flit around the yard.
I believe that Monkey guided me toward you to learn more about meditation and connecting with the spirit world, I have always had an interest but there is just something more with his messaging that draws me toward these studies. Color meditation(s), card readings, drawings, pictures, it feels very special and like another step toward being “complete”. While this makes me cry, I also feel Monkey left so that I may be able to travel a bit more during my time here, in a way, he gave me more freedom of sorts…
I’d like to share how Monkey actually got his name. His birth name is McGonagall (as he was born when the Harry Potter books/movies were quite popular) and he had a bit a swirl design on his side sort of similar to Professor McGonagall when she was a cat. When he traveled to Hong Kong with me, the Chinese people could not pronounce McGonagall, they would call him “mongka” then one of them kept calling him “Monkey” and it just stuck :-) The fu-man was added later as his whiskers turned down like a fu-man chu mustache. He was very intelligent, affectionate, mischievous, and a bit stubborn…
I think he knew he was being called to the light, he never complained and I could imagine him telling me “It’s okay Mommy, let me go, we will see each other again.” I watched him being born; and I was so sad, but grateful, to be there when he left this earthly realm. I held his little head in my hand while he slept for the last time… Part of me wants to feel this sadness so I never forget but I also believe he is guiding me to do more and to give back and share more. While I do not know what this looks like (at the moment) it is exciting to have these things to look into and to learn more about.
I am so very pleased to have met you, even under these circumstances as just knowing another human being understands the range and depth of how such a loss impacts one’s soul, is comforting. What an absolute joy and blessing I feel to read and listen to your Sacred Spirit Journey with Monkey. I cannot thank you enough, really.
I will be in touch soon for another journey.
With kindest regards,
Jocelyn before the Sacred Spirit Journey:
(shared with permission)
This second picture is hours before his passing on June 2, 2022 at 3:55 pm, I did not put him inside the house and wanted to be with him as much as we could for the remaining time we had… I ensured he felt no pain, the Vet administered a sedative first at 3:53 pm and he was asleep prior to the entire sedative being given, I think he was so weak that the sedative took his life as I noticed he stopped breathing. The final dose was administered at 3:55 pm and he was no longer in my life. (I watched Monkey being born on a Sunday evening July 24th 2005 at 9:12 pm, he was the fifth kitten of a litter of six). I held his head as he passed yesterday. My tears are tremendous and it feels like I have a huge hole in my very soul. I have never felt this kind of grief before.
Thank you for taking the time to read my brief story about my special little sentient being whom I love so much and miss beyond words.

❤️ Receive your own pet’s personal healing message
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion who has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says:
Receive a message from your pet.