After the loss of a beloved animal companion, one of things that can bring deep peace and comfort is connecting with the animal that has passed, for example through my Sacred Spirit Journeys, where I connect with the angel animal and bring back their healing message for their loved ones. In the following I will share below the Sacred Spirit Journey I did for Pasta the angel dog.
You can both listen to and read Pasta’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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I begin my preparations for the Sacred Spirit Journey for Pasta the angel dog. As usual, I start by becoming present right here where I am, listening to all the sounds, and filling out my body with my awareness – and with gratitude.
The focus on gratitude brings a warm, calming, comforting feeling that centers in my heart.
I find myself in the heart space which is full of light, expanding seemingly indefinitely.
I notice that Pasta is right here with me. He is calm, present, and friendly.
“Gratitude”, Pasta says softly, “is what fills my heart and my soul, and gratitude is also a path of healing for Carla.
Practicing gratitude helps you appreciate, embrace, and get to terms with the past – holding the good and the bad, the ups and the downs with love in your heart. The life we shared, you and I [directed to Carla]: I don’t regret a single thing.
I feel so grateful and blessed to be included in your family and to live my life, lovingly cared for, being truly part of the family. I am confident that we shall meet again.
Each day, find something – events, things, memories, etc. – from our past and hold it in your heart’s love. Include the joys as well as the challenges. Think of me when you do, and know I am right beside you with my love and support. Always.
Gratitude is also a way to ease gently into the present moment. Something that, to you, is represented by much sadness, but don’t forget, also by much love and joy through the paw prints I left on your heart, and the unconditional love you left in my heart. We are both changed as a result of meeting and sharing all those years.
A light was kindled within each of our hearts as we met, and that light will shine forever as love tends to do.
Love can be forgotten, suppressed, or ignored, but never lost.
Each day, go within your heart during a quiet time for meditation. If tears come, let them.
Keep returning to your heart and let gratitude fill you. You can even use it as a mantra together with my name. That simple practice or meditation helps you let go of the mind’s speculations around guilt, regret, should and should not. Just sit with the present moment, with me in your heart, and with gratitude. Nothing else is important, for all is well with me, with you – and our love will live forever.
Find ways to express, for example in words, by creative expression or otherwise, the gratitude you feel for the shared life and love we were blessed with. What a journey!
What are some lessons and insights you are taking away from that shared journey of ours? What are some blessings and gifts?
From our life, love, joy, and challenges: What can inspire you as you move forward?
This is where we get to gratitude again. This time we use it to shine a light on our part forward through the eyes or lens of gratitude. What do you see? Do you see, as I do, me by your side, us connected by our hearts’ bond, and our souls continuing their journey through eternity?
As you walk forth, do so knowing and feeling the light that shines in your heart, full of memories, lessons, and blessings. Find ways of expressing and creating, with what is in your heart and soul, for you need to do so to heal. Express your love, and express your grief. All of it.
And back to this moment… As you read or listen to this, go within, take a deep breath in, and relax into peace and presence on the exhalation, saying my name softly, aloud or silently within yourself. Feel me with you. Feel me in your heart, or by your side. Don’t let the pain of the loss block you. If you let yourself feel your sadness, notice that right behind or beyond is the gratitude, the peace, the love – me.”
Pasta stops speaking. He sits quietly, smiling with his eyes, at peace, radiant, healthy, and strong.

Then some gentle raindrops fall below us, and a most beautiful rainbow forms, leading all the way from us and down to Earth.
We slide down the rainbow and end on the beach by the sea. Carla is waiting.
Pasta says:
“There she is. The treasure at the end of the rainbow.”
They both laugh, and Carla hugs Pasta. The tears Carla sheds are tears of sadness but tears of love and joy.
“You look well”, Carla says. Pasta says: “Yes, I’m doing great. I’m strong and healthy. You don’t need to worry about me.”
Carla says: “Did I let you go too soon, and can you forgive me?”
Pasta says:
“You did fine. Do not have any regrets. You know in your heart it was the right thing to do, and at the right time.
I hold forgiveness for you, should you need it, but you’ve done nothing that needs forgiveness.
Rest and be at peace in my love. It’s all yours. Take the time you need to grieve, to adjust. Use what I have suggested and what you feel inspired to do.
You will be okay. I’m right here with you whenever you need me.
Rainbows bring blessings and signs from me. Notice what else your heart tells you is a sign from me. Don’t try too hard, but simply become aware. You’ll know when I’m near.”
The rainbow leaves Carla with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, containing flowers of all the colors of the rainbow.
Carla holds the flowers close to her heart and thanks Pasta. He smiles and says:
“You’re welcome. I’ll be on my way now, but I’ll be back.”
“I know”, says Carla. “Thank you so much for everything.”
They hug, and Carla waves as she watches Pasta walk up the rainbow.
As the sun shines on him, on the rainbow, and on the water, there is a magical feeling, a feeling of deep peace, and a knowing that all is well.
I say thanks and goodbye, watch Carla leave for home, and I end the journey.
Carla wrote:
I just wanted to tell you that I’ve listened and read the message several times already, and I’m so touched by it. I wasn’t able to find any semblance of peace until I heard his message. Pasta was ‘my baby’ and I love him so dearly, the loss left me shattered. There have been so many ‘synchronicities’ with rainbows, clouds and paw prints I now see in my daily walks that I never saw before. I now accept that Pasta is still here with me.
Oh my goodness, Marianne! Thank you so much for putting all of this together. The collage looks absolutely beautiful. It really does capture my Pasta’s life. I continue to listen to his message; everyday as I go for walks where I used to walk him. I still feel so close to him, and listening to the message has been such a powerful source of healing. I appreciate you doing this. I’ll save and treasure dearly the collage, the podcast, the FB post and the blog post. My Pasta will continue to live on there as well and share his message with all those who come across it. Sincerely grateful, Carla (and Pasta)
The Healing Pet Loss Life Collage Technique
Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.