From Grief to Gratitude after Pet Loss
“From Grief to Gratitude after Pet Loss:
Healing Messages and Guidance from Pets in the Afterlife”
by Marianne Soucy
Marianne received Jarra’s message during a Sacred Spirit Journey where she connected with Jarra on behalf of his grieving human companion. The journey with Jarra’s message is included in chapter 7 of Marianne’s book:
“From Grief to Gratitude after Pet Loss: Healing Messages and Guidance from Pets in the Afterlife”.
In the video below, Marianne reads from chapter 7 and gives you an action step you can take now to establish a connection with your angel animal.
Book reading, Chapter 7: A Simple Way Of Connecting With A Pet In The Afterlife
Video link:
It was when Marianne lost animals that she loved that she discovered how powerful, comforting and healing it was to connect with them in the afterlife for healing the grief of the loss. She found the animals to be wise teachers, and the unconditional love they shared so generously when they were alive, they continue to share along with healing advice even after they have passed.
Marianne has brought back many beautiful messages from pets in the afterlife to their grieving human companions, and in this book she shares some of those messages as well as healing advice obtained in her spirit journeys.
The framework of this book is gratitude. Each chapter consists of a Sacred Spirit Journey with healing advice, insights and action steps you can take to heal when you are grieving the loss of your beloved animal companion.
How to use this book
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: How To Move From Grief To Gratitude After Pet Loss
Chapter 3: A Message Of Gratitude From An Angel Dog
Chapter 4: Perspectives On Death
Chapter 5: An Angel Dog’s Healing Message
Chapter 6: Coping With The Emptiness After Pet Loss
Chapter 7: Connecting With A Pet In The Afterlife
Chapter 8: Letting Nature Help You Heal After Pet Loss
Chapter 9: Dealing With Guilt After Pet Loss
Chapter 10: Dealing With The WHY After Pet Loss
Chapter 11: Heart Healing After Pet Loss
Chapter 12: Lessons Your Pet Taught You
Chapter 13: Gratitude As A Way Into Joy
Chapter 14: An Angel Dog’s Message Of Joy
Chapter 15: Just For Today
Chapter 16: Minnie’s Message Of Gratitude
Chapter 17: Resources For Healing Pet Loss
About The Author
If you feel this book deserves a 5 star review, please leave a review on Amazon. This will help other grieving pet owners find the book.
5 out of 5 stars
What a beautiful gift Marianne Soucy has given us!
5 out of 5 stars
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5 out of 5 stars
Very Inspirational, insightful, and helpful!
5 out of 5 stars
This book provides a wonderful perspective on moving from heart-rending grief to a place …
Healing Messages and Guidance from Pets in the Afterlife”
by Marianne Soucy
A simple way you can establish a connection with your pet
In the short video below, Marianne Soucy, shares a message from her book, “From Grief to Gratitude after Pet Loss”. This message is from angel dog Jarra, and it describes a simple way you can establish a connection with your beloved pet in the afterlife.
Marianne received Jarra’s message during a Sacred Spirit Journey where she connected with Jarra on behalf of his grieving human companion. The journey with Jarra’s message is included in chapter 7 of Marianne’s book:
“From Grief to Gratitude after Pet Loss: Healing Messages and Guidance from Pets in the Afterlife”.
In the video below, Marianne reads from chapter 7 and gives you an action step you can take now to establish a connection with your angel animal.
Book reading, Chapter 7: A Simple Way Of Connecting With A Pet In The Afterlife
Video link:
Based upon experience and wisdom
“From Grief to Gratitude after Pet Loss” is based on Marianne’s own wisdom and experience with communicating with pets in the afterlife. She uses a form of shamanic journey, called a Sacred Spirit Journey, to connect with the spirit of animals that are alive, animals in the afterlife, and with spirit guides for healing and guidance.It was when Marianne lost animals that she loved that she discovered how powerful, comforting and healing it was to connect with them in the afterlife for healing the grief of the loss. She found the animals to be wise teachers, and the unconditional love they shared so generously when they were alive, they continue to share along with healing advice even after they have passed.
Marianne has brought back many beautiful messages from pets in the afterlife to their grieving human companions, and in this book she shares some of those messages as well as healing advice obtained in her spirit journeys.
The framework of this book is gratitude. Each chapter consists of a Sacred Spirit Journey with healing advice, insights and action steps you can take to heal when you are grieving the loss of your beloved animal companion.

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Table of Contents
IntroductionHow to use this book
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: How To Move From Grief To Gratitude After Pet Loss
Chapter 3: A Message Of Gratitude From An Angel Dog
Chapter 4: Perspectives On Death
Chapter 5: An Angel Dog’s Healing Message
Chapter 6: Coping With The Emptiness After Pet Loss
Chapter 7: Connecting With A Pet In The Afterlife
Chapter 8: Letting Nature Help You Heal After Pet Loss
Chapter 9: Dealing With Guilt After Pet Loss
Chapter 10: Dealing With The WHY After Pet Loss
Chapter 11: Heart Healing After Pet Loss
Chapter 12: Lessons Your Pet Taught You
Chapter 13: Gratitude As A Way Into Joy
Chapter 14: An Angel Dog’s Message Of Joy
Chapter 15: Just For Today
Chapter 16: Minnie’s Message Of Gratitude
Chapter 17: Resources For Healing Pet Loss
About The Author
If you feel this book deserves a 5 star review, please leave a review on Amazon. This will help other grieving pet owners find the book.
Selected Book Reviews

5 out of 5 stars
What a beautiful gift Marianne Soucy has given us!
Oh my goodness! What a beautiful gift Marianne Soucy has given us! This book is a MUST for anyone mourning a beloved pet, whether that loss is recent or years ago. In the most gentle way, Marianne and her angelic pet helpers, give us room to grieve, to understand and to move forward with gratitude and grace. Do not hesitate – get this book for yourself and for anyone you know who could benefit from profound healing around the topic of the loss of a beloved pet.
(Reba Linker on Amazon)
(Reba Linker on Amazon)

5 out of 5 stars
May I recommend
After losing my dearest animal companions within a year of each other, my love for them still continued to grow, only now into despair. I couldn’t center myself in the void their passing created. From Grief to Gratitude After Pet Loss offered the focus I needed to create my own place to bring my continued grief; my own sacred space within my heart in my own time. The guidance of the author thru her own experiences sets up a personal workshop within the pages, offering gentle lessons throughout the chapters on how to reconnect to my departed companions. Marianne Soucy shares her graceful meditations into a communion with animal spirit. These messages have affected me profoundly as I realized that grief had separated me away from myself. From Grief to Gratitude After Pet Loss offers easy exercises for the complicated healing that is so personal to each reader. This book offered me a direction towards acceptance. With Marianne Soucy’s focus on gratitude, she helped me to open up a reconnection to my best companions, back into my heart space that had been so sadly broken, back to the place they never left.
(G.W. Penne on Amazon)
(G.W. Penne on Amazon)

5 out of 5 stars
Very Inspirational, insightful, and helpful!
Marianne Soucy’s book from Grief to Gratitude After Pet Loss is so inspirational. This book, as well as her other book, Healing Pet Loss, e-books, websites, and workshops have helped me tremendously to cope with the death of my pet Pomeranian, Sophie. The loss has been one of the most difficult losses that I have experienced in my life. This book and Marianne’s workshops have helped me to embrace spirituality, and to realize that there is much more to life than just our existence on earth. Embracing spirituality has enabled me to accept the loss of my pet, and to believe that my precious dog is still by my side, not in a physical form, but rather a spirit form. Marianne’s books, website, and workshops have taught me that a love so strong between two souls can never be broken; the love is never ending, not even through death. I have been able to become more at peace with my dog’s death, and to find comfort in believing that I will someday see my Sophie again; it is my hope. The books will bring you comfort and peace in dealing with the loss of your pet, as well as the belief that there truly is something beyond the vail. The books will provide you with a different perspective on things, provide you with skills to help you cope, and most importantly to believe you will someday be reunited with your pet!
(Monica R. Bender on Amazon)
(Monica R. Bender on Amazon)

5 out of 5 stars
This book provides a wonderful perspective on moving from heart-rending grief to a place …
This book provides a wonderful perspective on moving from heart-rending grief to a place of gratitude and continued awareness of a beloved pet in my life. I am still reading this book as it has inspiring suggestions/ideas for reconnecting with my beloved pets, which I am learning and doing one at a time. But I already feel better and my heart smiles now when I think of my beloved pets who have passed on.
(Linda Miller on Amazon)
(Linda Miller on Amazon)
Buy ‘From Grief to Gratitude‘ on Amazon (available in Kindle and paperback).
You may also like Marianne’s first book in the Healing Pet Loss series:
“Healing Pet Loss: Practical Steps for Coping & Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides”
If you are struggling with Guilt after pet loss, watch this video:
For further support in coping with grief after pet loss
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About Marianne Soucy

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