Healing after pet loss: Identifying your pet’s core message for you

When you have lost your beloved animal companion, one of the best ways to honor your pet and move from guilt to forgiveness, peace, and love, is to learn from your pet. This article is a continuation of "Into The Wave - On dealing with guilt after … [Read more...]

Healing Pet Loss – From darkness into light

As you grieve the loss of a beloved animal companion, you might at times feel alone and overwhelmed in your suffering. In the shamanic journey I am going to share with you today, you will see that you are not alone and that compassionate support and … [Read more...]

When Animals Grieve: The anniversary of Pittiput’s death

When we lose an animal companion, it is not just we humans who are grieving the loss of our animal friend. If you have other pets in the household and they had a close relationship with the deceased pet, then they might be grieving too. I experienced … [Read more...]

When life feels unfair – insights from an angel cat on pet loss

Losing a beloved animal companion is a heartbreaking experience, but if you lose your animal friend in a way that leaves you wondering why it happened and how life can be so unfair, then the pain of the loss can be even greater. One such example is a … [Read more...]

Coping with the sudden loss of a pet

When a beloved pet dies, the grief and the pain of the loss of our trusted friend and companion can be difficult to handle. And if an animal companion dies suddenly, the pain can be extra intense and almost unbearable, because we were unprepared and … [Read more...]

A cat’s view on death & tips for living after pet loss

Did you ever wish you could hear directly from your deceased pet about how they experienced their moment of death and after? In this article I share a message I received from my beloved cat Kia a few days after she had died. In this message she … [Read more...]

Coping with a missing pet – part 4

This article is part 4 in the article series "Coping with a missing pet". You can also read part 1, part 2, and part 3. Moving forward when your pet is missing The loss of a beloved pet is a heartbreaking experience that can turn your whole world … [Read more...]

Coping with a missing pet – part 3

This article is part 3 in the article series "Coping with a missing pet". You can also read part 1, part 2, and part 4. A dogs message of peace One of the keys to both coping with and connecting with a missing pet is achieving a state of peace and … [Read more...]

Coping with a missing pet – part 2

This article is part 2 in the article series "Coping with a missing pet". You can also read part 1, part 3 and part 4 Connecting with a missing pet When a beloved pet is missing, besides desperately wanting our companion back, we have an even … [Read more...]

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