Healing after pet loss: A gift of peace from an angel cat

A gift of peace from an angel cat
“Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” ~ Buddha

Animals are wonderful teachers and have much wisdom for us, both in our daily life, and when we are struggling to cope with the loss of a beloved animal companion

The following is an account of a recent meeting I had with my precious cat Kia, who died in 2012 but who continues to share her wisdom and love with me in meditations and shamanic journeys. I hope that this account will bring you peace and inspiration.
I am sitting on the train one morning, feeling drained by life, by stress – and it’s only 7 a.m.! I go within as much as I can, focusing on and imagining going into the heart center.

This time it seems to open up to a forest – like a Swedish forest. It is a beautiful sunny day, and there are trees and wilderness in all directions as far as the eye can see. There is a peacefulness in the air, no feeling of hurry, no sign of humans. There are trees all around, the majority are pine and there are also birch and other trees.

I approach a lake. The large body of water draws me to it and I look at the calm surface. I then see Kia sitting on a fallen tree beside the lake. She looks at me and I am filled with a feeling of deep love, a yearning, and a feeling of coming home

My wonderful Kia who died July 1st 2012.

My wonderful Kia.
Died July 1, 2012.

I sit on the ground in front of the fallen tree and lean my back against it. Kia jumps down and settles beside me on my right. I put my arm around her, feeling her familiar soft fur and warm body. I feel tears coming – I’ve missed her so much. For a moment I close my eyes and just sit there, letting the sun shine on me, warming and blessing me, feeling Kia against me – right where she is supposed to be.

“I’ve been missing you too”, Kia says, and continues: “You sometimes forget that in spirit we are one. Hold me in your thoughts and in your heart and I am there.”

“Are you ok, Kia?” I ask.

“I’m fine. I am at peace, in perfect health, and living beyond time – being in the present. The more you are able to stay in the present, in a state of peace, the easier it is for us to keep the heart/spirit connection and live with the constant realization that there is no separation. If you can’t get to peaceful and quiet places in nature, then go within and find the peace [that is] there, and as today, you will find that I will join you there.”

Kia is quiet and looks at me – she looks deep into my soul with such love. She sees all of me and embraces me with her love. A deep feeling of peace and stillness emanates from her and holds us both in a timeless moment.

Then she blinks and in a moment she’s gone, and I am back on the train once again.

“Thank you, Kia. I love you so much. Thanks for your love, your wisdom – for being you.”

Action step

This beautiful book with color images is a book is a must have that you will want to return to again and again, as you share the cycles of life with your animal companions and need guidance and healing inspiration on your path. Effective practical techniques and unique Sacred Spirit Journeys with personal messages from pets, have brought peace and comfort to so many pet owners.

Buy now on Amazon
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It is my wish that “Healing Pet Loss – Practical Steps for Coping & Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides” (Expanded 2nd edition) will bring peace to your grieving heart.

Marianne Soucy


  1. Pattie says

    Thank you Marianne….the collection of inspirational quotes you’ve assembled really helped me to see clearly when I needed it the most!!

    All the best to you….Pattie

    • Corinna says

      Thank you so much for sharing that Marianne.
      Our lil toy Maltese Frosty* died Thursday Oct 14th. He was 15 yrs old,he passed with heart failure which nobody had ever mentioned to us,and he just had a full exam the week before,so this was a sudden death.My hubby and I just weep for him,he was our baby.He gave us all those yrs of joy,love,happiness.The hurt seems unbearable.Altho this form seems to be helping us to cope better.
      Thanks for all your doing.We love reading your messages,and we also bought your book,and mediation. Hopefully our crying will turn to an inner peace one day.
      thanks again..Corinna

  2. vrooda says

    Thanks so much for your podcast.

  3. vrooda says

    We had to say good bye to our Jack Russell last Tues. 3/32015 @ about 6:15. She had a tumour in her bladder and a mass around her heart. The cancer also presented itself on her skin. She had surgery a month before. Im not coping so well. It was very tough saying bye to her before we left for the vet. She became extremely ill by 4pm so it was a very quick decision we had to make. I still cry for her every single day. My husband said it’s killing him. My son was brave coz he stayed with her till the end. I left the room. My daughter lives in another province so we had to facetime her for her to say bye to our beloved Zelda. She was with us for six years. But it was the best six years of my life spent with Zelda. She taught us how to love unconditionally. We loved her so much. Thanks for all the inspirational posts.

  4. Sandra Fox says

    Thank you so much for the insight on how to understand the passing of our loved ones. My beautiful cat Kiki passed away on the 17th of January. She was only 8 but was a Diabetic. She was my last cat fur baby. I miss her so much, it’s about to kill me. It broke my heart! Listening to your podcasts have been a wonderful thing. I can’t thank you enough. God bless you❤️

  5. Sallie Crawford says

    My Angel kitty, Sophia, left me June 29th, just 17 days after I lost my beautiful German Shepard, Lucky. Both died of Hemangiosarcoma. In cats it is very rare, but not in Shepards, but Lucky was only six. I am still in shock. I have been craving the place of peace, and I had arrived at it before they left me. Now that they are gone, I can no longer focus within. It hurts too much. I am unbelieving of my losses. I will try again, in hopes I will see my babies.

  6. It has been seven days since Andy left his body….I miss him so much. This helps. Thank you.

  7. Alejandra Guillén says

    Thank you Marianne, I truly liked Kia’s story and how by being connected to your inner self, you were able to be intouch with her again. I will go to the ocean this weekend and I will sit still and let myself grief and feel the eternal connection of love with my beloved Mongo.

    Thanks so much!

    • I’m glad you found Kia’s story helpful. Going to the ocean sounds like a wonderful idea. I’ve always found it’s such a powerful and healing place to be.

  8. Thank you for sharing this with us. I’m pleased it gave you comfort and that others can also be comforted by your beautiful description of your experience.

  9. Thank you so much for the post and the suggestion. Janet

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