Reconnecting with a beloved pet after they have passed
After you have lost a beloved animal companion, the emptiness in your home, in your life, and in your heart is unbearable, and you might feel that your animal friend is lost to you forever.
But it is possible to reconnect with your beloved pet after they have died, and in this article I will share a Sacred Spirit Journey with advice and guidance from my spirit guide on reconnecting with an animal in the afterlife.
As I begin the journey, I find myself walking in a beautiful forest on a sunny summer day. I see the sunlight shining through the leaves; birds are singing, insects flying, everything is green. I get to a little lake or pond. The water is still and reflects the sky and the trees.
My spirit helper is there. He says:
“As your mind gets quiet, like the surface of that lake, you will see what’s near and dear to you – your beloved animal companion.
When you are overwhelmed by or stuck in thoughts of grief, pain, and guilt, then that is all you can see. But when you sit by the lake and contemplate the stillness – becoming the stillness – you’ll see your beloved animal friend.
As you reach the stillness and peace of the lake, then focus on your heart; feel the love you have there – the deep, warm love of a precious friend. As you feel the love and hold the thought or image of your beloved animal friend, sending out a request to connect with your animal companion – then notice how an image of them becomes clearer before you, or how their presence becomes more clearly felt.
In which way do you experience the presence of your animal companion?
Be open to the way you experience your pet – let go of expectation as well as of your doubting mind.
Allow the image or feeling to get clearer – see or sense that radiant being before or beside you. Feel the love they send you. That love does not die.
Whether you have many questions for your companion or not, just for now, let yourself experience the love shared between you. That shared love speaks louder than words; it brings you healing and comfort.
As you rest in their presence, let the healing of your broken heart take place. And as you leave this sacred place, thanking your animal friend for their presence and love, know deep in your heart that love is eternal and that you can reconnect with your beloved animal companion any time you wish.
Walk in peace.”
Action Step
Let this article be an inspiration for you to connect with your own animal companion in the afterlife.
I recommended that you download the “Easy Exercise To Connect With A Beloved Pet In The Afterlife” and follow the instructions there. This exercise has been a great help to many who have been looking to make a connection with their animal friend in the afterlife.
However, sometimes it can be difficult to achieve the peace necessary to do the exercise, and in that case you can for instance use a guided meditation or spend time in nature. The Healing Pet Loss Podcast episode no 18, “Letting Nature Heal You After Pet Loss” (see audio player below – or listen in iTunes) is about letting nature bring you to stillness.
A tip:
If you and your angel animal had a favorite place in nature, you can try to spend some quiet time there: First do the stillness meditation as described in the podcast and then follow the simple instructions in the Easy Exercise. (If you’re listening to the stillness meditation in iTunes, you can find the Easy Exercise there too; it’s podcast episode no 7).
Peace and blessings,
I have much love for Koko and think about him always. He was so precious to me and special. I want to understand. I have a little Chihuahua which rescued only a few months after Koko’s death which was a mistake. I just wanted to be with Koko’s spirit. I miss a poodle, also. But I think I am looking for Koko in another dog’s body. I am not in particular a dog person , but an overall animal lover. I also have two cockatiels and had another soul mate, cockatiel, whom was so bonded and me to him. They don’t come around very often. Nane was born in my home in 1987 but I had other cockatiels but bonded to him. I only had six soul mates in my entire life, both human and animals. I still have much anger over the way a few people used to bully us and Koko would defend us. If I had a human family around none of this would have happened as bullies don’t stand up to a crowd. Now my little Chi is being treated the same way. Going to the police and court has been futile.