Healing Pet Loss – From darkness into light

Healing Pet Loss quote - From darkness into light

As you grieve the loss of a beloved animal companion, you might at times feel alone and overwhelmed in your suffering. In the shamanic journey I am going to share with you today, you will see that you are not alone and that compassionate support and guidance is available to you from sources that you might not have been aware of: from the animal companion that has passed and from spirit guides.

I prepare for the journey and become present here where I am, listening to the sounds, becoming present in my body, filling it out with my awareness.

I focus on my feet, feeling how roots grow out and down in the earth, deep down in the nurturing Mother Earth. Grounding, support, balance, nurturing, being part of earth’s cycles. Experiencing how being part of this earth is being part of this constant cycle of life and death – death is not the end; death is not opposed or opposite to life. There is only life in an ever-flowing cycle of changes, of movement.

I step out from the tree in a forest, walking on the soft earth. It’s dark.

I can’t see anything and ask for help.

Kia - Marianne Soucy - Healing Pet LossI feel a gentle touch and am guided through the dark forest in silence. I reach out. I feel a very familiar body and go down on my knees, leaning my head against her soft fur and body. There’s no doubt; it’s my angel cat Kia next to me. I feel her purring gently at me.

Kia says:

“I’m here to guide you through the darkness – and to show people how their own angel animals can guide them through the darkness as they grieve and suffer the emptiness and pain of losing their beloved animal friend.”

M: “But how does that happen? How do you guide me or them out of the darkness?”

Then my spirit guide lights a candle and I see Kia clearly in the dark. My spirit guide says:

“By knowing you are never alone, by calling on your helping spirits. Even if you don’t think you have any, call out and there will be help available. There’s always someone ready to light a light in the darkness for you.”

M: “What’s the difference between the help and guidance you [pets vs helping spirits] provide – and how can I easily share this in a way people can use immediately?”

My spirit guide says:

“Your animal companion joined you in a physical body to share lessons, teachings and mutual growth – and if you wish, they will continue sharing, teaching and guiding you after they have passed. Their unique message and teachings are available to you as long as you wish and need them. Other spirit helpers provide guidance in a variety of areas – like me being an embodiment of compassion and wisdom.

As you begin to embrace your animal companion as your teacher, you will also begin to open up to the teachings of other animals and beings of nature. It’s easy – go out in your garden or take a walk in nature and ask yourself: “What can this being teach me?” as you meet animals on your way. Plants, trees, elements etc. are teachers too.”

Healing Pet Loss  - seaI again experience the darkness, realizing that I am resisting, so I allow myself to feel the darkness, go into the darkness, allowing the darkness to be there. As I surrender to the darkness, I suddenly see a glimpse or a speck of light – it gradually widens and expands, opening up to a beautiful sunlit landscape. I’m on a beach by the sea, which brings me a feeling of healing, power, and peace. Kia is sitting there, looking out over the water, her fur shining in the sunlight. She looks at me. Then she says:

“It’s when you surrender and stop trying, and stop resisting, that you will see the light – and me. Keep in mind, though, that surrendering is not giving up – it is simply an allowing, an acceptance of the present – which feels to you sometimes like the darkness. Then you’ll see that the present also contains the past and the future, for it is in the present you will see the light. In your darkest hour – when you can’t find your way – reach out and feel me; simply know I’m there and find comfort in that knowing, as you allow the darkness with all the feelings of grief to be there. As you then keep your focus on my gentle supporting presence, the waves of grief will calm, and the darkness will move. First, you’ll see a tiny opening – a speck of light. Notice it when it happens – focus on that, and allow that speck of light to expand to a new world of light where I am fully present with you in the light.”

M: “Thank you so much. Is there anything else you wish to say at this point?”

My spirit guide says: “Just this: Don’t be afraid of the darkness. When you accept it, surrender to it, you will find the light.

I end the journey.

I hope these messages of light has brought you comfort and peace in your grief. If you wish to connect with your own angel animal, you can try the Easy Exercise Connecting With A Beloved Pet In The Afterlife.

For further support on dealing with the grief after pet loss, see also my book “Healing Pet Loss – Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides”, available on Amazon .

And if you wish to dive deeper into the topic of animals as teachers and spirit guides, see my book “Gathering The Light – Healing, Inspiration and Empowerment through Animal Messages and Journeys into Spirit.”


  1. José Reñé Blanch. says

    Realmente la muerte no existe, es tan solo un pequeño paso de una dimensión a otra. Me encantó este escrito. Las mascotas son en verdad, verdaderos ángeles para nosotros.

    [English translation: Really there is no death, there is only a small step from one dimension to another. I loved this writing. Pets are indeed true angels for us.]

  2. Gabrielle Smith says

    Dear Marianne

    I would like to say thank you so much for the comfort you bring to so many people through your site Healing Pet Loss. The messages you convey to assist people who are grieving for their animal friends are warm, full of love and genuine empathy and are a reflection of the level of understanding that you have for those who have lost their beloved friend.

    Like so many others, I too am still grieving the tragic loss of my beautiful cat even after 4 years but as I also have a strong belief in what happens to us after death, I KNOW that I will one day be reunited with her, as well as with my 2 other beloved cats that brought so much love and joy to my life while we were together.

    If anybody doubts that our special friends simply pass away and are never heard from again, then they are mistaken as I know for sure that these incredible souls sometimes do indeed return, even if just briefly, to let their loved ones know that they are still with them.
    This once happened to me a few months after losing one of my cats ( I once mentioned this experience on your site–you may remember it ) when I had planned to visit a medium after work that day, and was just about to leave the office for the appointment, when my beautiful cat suddenly APPEARED on my desk as I walked into the room—-he was ‘shining’ with vibrant health, so different to the way he looked just before he passed away. I stared at him in astonishment for about a minute then he just disappeared in front of me. After that I was so happy— that not only was he in perfect health but he WAS still alive and loved me enough to visit me, obviously knowing how much I loved and missed him. I often think about that experience and whenever I do , I always consciously thank him for visiting me as it meant so much to me.There are also other little signs that I’ve noticed since my last beauty passed on ; and I’m sure they are from her, though I have never actually seen her, like the one I just mentioned.

    Thank you again Marianne for the comfort and peace that your messages convey to those who read your site, including myself—I sincerely hope that one day you will see your beloved Kia, as I know she is special to you.

    Thank you for your time

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