Healing Pet Loss Question and Answer Series no 1

Marianne Soucy answers a question from a woman who is struggling to cope after having her beloved dog euthanized.

Transcript of video:

Welcome to the Healing Pet Loss Question & Answer Series. My name is Marianne Soucy, and I am the founder of HealingPetLoss.com. In this short video I will answer a question I got from a woman who recently had to have her beloved dog euthanized. She is now struggling with guilt and emptiness after the loss. In this case, when the loss is so recent, I would suggest doing a pet memorial ceremony; to take the time to say goodbye. Even if you had the chance to say goodbye before your pet died, taking the time now to do a pet memorial ceremony and say goodbye is very healing, not just for you but also for your pet. And during that pet memorial ceremony you can express your gratitude to your pet, and say everything you feel you need to say to your pet at this time. A supportive technique would be to do the letter writing exercise that I explain in my book “Healing Pet Loss – Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides” which is available both on Amazon and on my website. Also helpful can be to connect directly with a pet in the afterlife, and that will be the topic of another video. For now, do a pet memorial ceremony and the two-letter exercise, and I’ll see you in the next video. I invite you to subscribe on YouTube for new Healing Pet Loss Question & Answer videos.
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