Healing Pet Loss with Mindfulness – Angel Dog Maisie

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[Healing Pet Loss with Mindfulness – Angel Dog Maisie] I connected with Ellen’s beloved angel dog Maisie in a Sacred Spirit Journey, which I will now share with you. I did this Journey on Saturday, August 31, 2024.

You can both read and listen to Maisie’s message below.

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While doing the journey, I was inspired to listen to “Mindfulness” by Chinmaya Dunster which I came across on YouTube.

As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Ellen’s angel dog Maisie, I become present here where I am. I take a deep breath in and relax into peace and presence on the exhalation. Being here now. I listen to the sounds and to the stillness behind the sounds. The stillness that is available when you go within with mindfulness, and observe without judgment.

I am in a place of light. A feeling of being in nature. I am sitting and listening, aware with an open heart and mind, while having the focus and intention of meeting Maisie.

As I sit in this place and state of peace, I see Maisie come what looks like floating towards me. She is sitting in the same position as in the photo, and looks very peaceful, radiant, and beautiful. It is like she is in an invisible bubble of light or energy.

Maisie lands before me. She opens her eyes and looks at me with kindness, smiles, and slowly starts moving.

Maisie comes over and greets me, and I gently touch her soft fur and say, “Hello, Maisie, my beautiful one. Thank you for coming. I really appreciate that, and I am sure Ellen and the others do too.”

Maisie says:

“Thank you for meeting me in this sacred place of peace. That is the state and energy I hold for Ellen, and for my whole family.

Mindfulness, as the title of the music track suggests, is a key message and theme. There is a reason you were drawn to play this music during the journey.

The practice of mindfulness can be a help for Ellen to deal with and heal the grief and also to connect with me. It can be helpful to her as she moves forward in her life.

Just look at my photo, and you will be there – and I will too. Mindfulness is the way for us to meet across time and space.”

Make time in the day to just sit and be mindful.

Let the world go about its business around you, and allow yourself to just BE in the middle of it all, observing, not judging, but easing into the peace that is available to you, and in that peace, a connection with or gateway to me.

I am your way to peace.”

Ellen has shown up and has heard Maisie’s words. Ellen gets pulled into Maisie’s peace, and as she sits there, worries and pain vanish and only this moment with Maisie exists, their souls touching, almost merging.

Gratitude bubbles up within Ellen, and Maisie says:

“I feel it too, the gratitude, for that is the feeling I not only left with but experienced all through my life with you.

I feel so blessed for my life with you, my precious family, and I want you all to know how much I love you.

So much joy, so many unforgettable moments.

See how the memories come by, visiting you, floating by, shifting, reappearing. Observe and feel the love and all the other emotions they evoke.

And notice underneath it all is the loving soul and heart connection that we have; unbreakable, untouched, and untarnished by everything that has happened. Our bond is Divine. Never forget that.”

When you feel lost and the place empty without me, think of me or look at my photo and call on me. Then go within, into the mindful state, observing and feeling how I am right there with you.

Healing Pet Loss, When you feel lost - angel dog Maisie
I touch your heart and soul, as you touch mine. A bond more beautiful does not exist anywhere else.

You can even use the heart as a gateway to my landscape. See or imagine how you are in that landscape with me, joyously playing, running, living life to the fullest.

Live the life I taught you, and know I am by your side as you do. Only on the outside can it at times feel empty when you feel I am not there. I may just send a sign or two to show you that even through physical signs do I reach out to you.

Trust in our love, trust in our heart and soul bond, and trust that all will be well.

Bring the light of our love with you, and light the world with it. Share the joy we had, and let it be others’ joy too. What a beautiful world that will be.”

The scene suddenly shifts to the beach that I often go to in my journeys. A beautiful beach by a huge gentle sea, blue sky above.

The air is fresh, and Maisie sniffs it with her nose. She then goes over to Ellen and pushes her nose into Ellen’s hand in a special loving way. Ellen laughs and says:

“I love you too, Maisie. You’re the best.

Your joy and your love is contagious, and I am so glad you are okay.

Meeting you here has comforted me greatly, and I know I can connect with you when I need to.

I admire your wisdom and everything about your beautiful soul.

I am so grateful for sharing my life with you. Thank you for sharing yours with me. You will have a place in my heart forever.”

Maisie says:

“I know. And you in mine.”

As they say goodbye, Maisie gives Ellen a photo of herself with a paw print on as signature.

Ellen holds it to her heart and thanks Maisie.

As they hug and say goodbye, Maisie says:

“I will see you again. Give my love to the others. My peace and love extends to them as well.”

Then she adds with a smile:

“It is okay to let me go.”

Ellen smiles and relaxes, and releases the ‘holding on’. As she does, we see Maisie ‘floating’ or drifting away into the brilliant light appearing in the deep blue sky. As Maisie disappears, a rainbow light appears, very clearly in the sky even though it is not raining.

“That’s my sign,” Ellen says, “Thank you, sweet Maisie.”

We say thanks and goodbye. Ellen returns home with peace in her heart.

I end the journey.

❤️ Receive a personal message from your pet

I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal. From your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with. Learn more.

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