There are many ways you can make a connection with your pet in the afterlife – the Sacred Spirit Journeys that I do is one of them, and is based on the ancient technique of shamanic journeying. This technique is typically used for healing, guidance and empowerment, and one of its uses is connecting with animals that have passed.
In this blog, I will share a beautiful healing journey where I meet Blackie the angel cat. Her message brought much healing and comfort to her human companions, and it is my wish that it may easy your grief too..
I recommend that you read or listen to the whole journey, not analyzing but simply experiencing it, like a meditation. You can do this several times. Then, if you feel inspired to go a little deeper with the message and the advice given, you can listen or read again, make notes in a journal or notebook with passages that stand out to you or that provide helpful insights. If there is a suggested action step, you can take action when you feel inspired.
You can both listen to and read Blackie’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Blackie, I feel I am flying and landing on a beach by the sea. It is a spirit landscape I am very familiar with from many previous journeys. I greet my spirit guide, and for some reason it is hard to see clearly today. As everything that happens in a journey is relevant, this indicates to me that touching could be an important or easier way to connect with Blackie or to connect today.
I sit down on the beach. My spirit guide is on my left side. I look out over the sea.
Someone gently touches my right arm. It’s Blackie who is next to me, and she has reached out a paw. Her touch is so gentle.
Blackie says:
“Thank you for coming. I am grateful to have this opportunity to reach out to my loved ones with a message from my heart to theirs.
We touch each other in so many ways – through physical touch, our words, our eyes, and then there’s that deep and eternal heart and soul connection that becomes so extra important now that I am in spirit.
If you imagine me by you, you may even feel my presence and my touch, but if you center with gratitude in your heart among all the fond memories, then the love you feel will serve as a bridge or portal to me. It allows us to meet in that place where our hearts are one.
Allow the grief to be there, and remind yourself that the pain you feel is one that goes together with the deep love you feel for me. If you pay attention, you will notice that the deep love and gratitude is very close to your grief, and in an instant, the grief becomes replaced with joy.
I wouldn’t have missed our togetherness for the world, for we had many good times, didn’t we?
The family is determined by the bond that exists between hearts.
You feel lost at times, and that is okay, for in your life now there is an emptiness where my physical body used to be. It’s a very tangible emptiness that invites to presence, stillness, acknowledgement and contemplation.
I am near even though you don’t see me, for the life I shared with you is still dear to me, and I like to be close so I can send you comfort in your time of grief. I am doing fine here. One thought of you, and I travel to your side in an instant.
What we hold in our mind, we meet.
The practice of gratitude, of seeing beauty, of being present are all good and simple ways for you to connect with me and invite me near. In those moments, your heart is open, and if you invite me near, I will certainly be with you and rejoice in the meeting of our hearts.
A full life like the one I had, is not measured in years but in how well I lived, how present I was, how I allowed myself to feel and share joy and love.
I meet this next phase on my soul’s path with peace in my heart for I have no regrets. Only a deep appreciation for you both and for everything we meant to each other. The journey of our souls hasn’t ended yet, but for now we are only together through the connection our hearts and souls experience.
Don’t doubt that connection, for it is there, it always will be.
As you continue your life’s journey in your physical form, do so in the same manner as I lived – live fully, love without holding back, and share the joy your heart feels when a new day dawns, a bird sings, or something beautiful comes your way.
Make the most of every moment of your life. It is a precious gift to be treasured. When the time comes, we will meet again, but for now, embrace life with your whole being and when you feel ready, do share your life with other animals that need the love you have to give.
As we say goodbye for now, please accept my deep gratitude and the love that I hold in my heart for you.
May the light that shines in my heart be a guiding light for you as you move through your difficult times. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, and you are never alone on your soul’s path.
Let your hearts be at peace now, for our hearts are near.
Love always, Blackie”
We say thank you and goodbye to Blackie, and as the connection with her fades out, I hear the sea once more. I’m still sitting on the beach. The waves gently moving have a calming effect. As I look out in the horizon, I get a glimpse of infinity, of the place – or state – where there is no separation. A place of peace, of trust, of love. I feel honored to have met Blackie and her deep wisdom. I end the journey.
[Testimonial from Blackie’s human companion, Connie]
Nigel and I listened to you read Blackie’s message to us. Oh Marianne your voice is so soothing and comforting in the way you deliver her message. Thank you so much. This is really very special to us!!!! God bless! “Blackie closes with talking about the light in her heart shining for us and guiding us through the hard times. In her last few days she sat on my lap for hours. One evening it was lovely and sunny and we were still sitting there later in the darkness. I tried to switch on the little owl light we had next to us to give us light. I got frustrated as it didn’t work and Blackie heard me moaning about it.
On the day we lost her, we did ask her to give us a sign that she was ok now and at peace. That evening, I suddenly heard my Nigel calling me with excitment. He said, “Connie!! come to the garden, Blackie is given us a sign!” He pointed to the owl light and the solar eyes were shining brightly at us. The owl light hadn’t worked in years and even when it did, the light was very weak! We think Blackie found a way to comfort us. How clever of her. It stayed on throughout the night for several days after she passed!”
I hope that Blackie’s the angel cat’s wisdom brought you some comfort and peace in your time of grief.
Receive your own pet’s personal healing message ❤️
I have found from my own experience with losing animals that were close to my heart, that the best advice for healing your heart after the loss of your beloved pet will most often come from your own angel animal – from your animal friend who knows you better than anyone, and whom you have a heart and soul connection with.I have made my Sacred Spirit Journeys available, so you can receive a healing message from your animal companion that has passed. If you want to learn more, click on link or on the menu at the top of this page where it says Receive a message from YOUR Pet.