Healing With Horse

Healing With Horse - Marianne Soucy - Healing Pet Loss

Animals are wonderful teachers. As you might have seen here on my website and in my book “Healing Pet Loss – Practical Steps for Coping and Comforting Messages from Animals and Spirit Guides” our animal companions have much to teach us both when they are alive and after the have passed. They share so much wisdom, love and light with us, and enrich our lives. Many other animals have their own unique qualities too and they can also be our guides on our journey through life. I share a number of lessons from animals and spirit guides in my book “Gathering The Light – Healing, Inspiration and Empowerment through Animal Messages and Journeys into Spirit“, and today I will share a shamanic journey I did where both my spirit guide and Horse have wisdom to share with us. Whether you are struggling with the grief in connection with a beloved pet or you are looking for guidance for living a meaningful, authentic life, this journey will contain inspiration for you. Let’s begin!

As I begin the journey, I am in a forest. Dense, rich forest; green. We’re by a cave, my spirit guide and I. He invites me to go exploring with him. We walk into the cave. It’s dark but I know my spirit guide is with me, so I walk with faith and know he’s leading the way.

As we walk there in the dark, he says:

“If you’re in a dark place, whether physically, emotionally, mentally or otherwise, look beyond the tendency to see yourself as and feel alone. Know that you are always loved and supported by the universe – by your helping spirits. Even if you don’t know them yet, call out to them when you need them. Take the first step and make a connection. Walking in faith enables you to let go of some of the fear you are carrying and that is keeping you in a place of darkness. When you feel supported and let go of fear, you’ll feel hope, feel empowered, and see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

At that moment we see light and get close to an opening. A group of wild horses meet us. They look beautiful and powerful in the morning sun. One of the horses says:

“Follow your intuition, your heart, that deep knowing inside that you recognize as a calling from your authentic self. Healing is reclaiming your power.”

M: “That sounds beautiful. What steps can people take to heal in their own lives?”

Horse says:

“Recognize where you are giving away your power. Are you giving away your power, trusting others more than you trust yourself? When you see yourself as powerful – as who you truly are, and step into and claim that power, you know that you shape your own life. Healing is seeing yourself as powerful and having the courage to stand in that power. Allow yourself to be who you truly are, and see everything that you aren’t fall away. Keep the image of us as a reminder of your true nature.”

We thank Horse.

Then the horses gallop away.

My spirit guide and I return home with the image of the horses and their message clearly in our hearts.

Which part of the journey do you feel is most relevant and helpful to your current life situation? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.





  1. Margaret Howett says

    Hello. Thank you for today’s message about reclaiming our power and listening to our hearts. As you know I feel so much grief and guilt about having had my dog Trilby put to sleep last February and one of the reasons is that I allowed myself to be influenced by people around me who told me I should have her put to sleep. But I was very unsure that it was the right thing to do and in fact it violated my principles and beliefs and I greatly regret not having had the strength to continue to listen to my own feelings – she might still be here with me today had I done so.

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