Heart Healing After Pet Loss

Healing your heart after pet loss

When you share your life with an animal companion, you experience daily the joy, unconditional love and living fully in the present moment that your animal friend teaches you. But when you lose your beloved animal companion, it often feels as if the joy went out of your life as well, and it can be difficult to move through the grief and return to a state of joy and happiness again.

One step on the way back to joy is healing your heart – and that is what today’s blog post is about as I share a beautiful messages from one of my spirit guides.
And now on to the article about healing in the sacred space of your heart when you have lost a beloved animal companion.

One of the ways that I have found most comforting and healing is going within and connecting with the animal in the afterlife and my spirit guides. The article I will share with you today consists of a shamanic journey with words of wisdom on healing after pet loss from one of my spirit guides. May they bring you peace and healing to your heart after the loss of your beloved animal companion.

As I begin the journey, I become present here where I am, filling out my body with my awareness. I find myself walking on the beach together with one of my spirit guides, with the sea on my left side. The sun is shining, the air is clear and fresh, the water is vast and glistening in the sun. A magical day.

Heart Healiing After Pet Loss - Marianne Soucy - golden retriever
My spirit guide says:

In times of deep sorrow and grief, like when you have lost your beloved animal companion, happiness and joy may be the furthest from your mind. Looking around you, all you see is the emptiness left behind after your beloved animal friend is gone.

Under normal conditions, most people are looking outside themselves for the happiness and joy they seek. And for those with an animal companion, the bond as well as the shared time together and love, constitutes a big part of the happiness and joy the person experiences. That unconditional love of, and from an animal is unique and can often be rare in many people’s lives.

So after your animal friend is gone, even though the world around you is still filled with beauty, you may find it hard to see the beauty and feel the happiness and joy again. In that case, one thing you can do is to go within, into your heart. Find the inner sanctuary in your heart – like we are here now – and discover there, the love, light and all the fond memories your animal friend shared with you. You can even connect with the spirit or essence of your animal friend in that light, as they are part of the light now.

Let yourself rest and heal in that place of light, and rediscover the continued connection with your animal friend. And whatever your doubting mind or others might say, you will know that in that safe place within your heart’s sacred space, you can reconnect with your animal friend’s light whenever you need. Let that light become part of you and bring it out into the world. Share the light that they were, and that they through you, now still are. When you find that light inside, it will be easier for you to see and experience the beauty, light and love which is also available to you on the outside.

So today, let yourself go within; let your heart heal in the light of the love which is yours. Rest in the sacred space of your heart where you know you’re safe, loved and forever connected with heartstrings to infinity. Nothing you have ever loved can be taken from you. The heart is a portal to that love, and to those you love.

In peace.

I thank my spirit helper and end the journey.

If you like the message I shared above, you may also be interested in the Healing Pet Loss Podcast, where I share similar messages of peace, healing and comfort from angel animals and spirit guides.



  1. Beautiful and sensitive post Marianne – healing your heart is the start of the journey of loss and grief. Thank you for sharing x

  2. Thank you Marianne. Such a beautiful message. I have loved and lost many furry friends over the years and yet I always feel their love like an eternal flame within my heart. :) I love your quote; the heart truly is our portal to love. Joyful blessings, Tina

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