[Heavenly Gifts From Grace the Angel Dog]
One thing that brings much comfort when your beloved pet has passed is receiving from them a personal message.
You can both listen to and read Grace’s message below.
Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
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Listen to the Healing Pet Loss Podcast:
Apple, Spotify, Castbox, Podbean, Stitcher, Player FM
As I begin the Sacred Spirit Journey to connect with Paula’s angel dog Grace, I fill my body with my awareness, with gratitude, and with light, as it flows to and through me from spirit. I become filled with light. With the light that flows into me is also the image or presence of Grace. She sits before me in the light, looking very beautiful and radiant. She is carrying a flower in her mouth that looks like a daisy, it has white petals and a yellow middle.
Grace holds on to the white flower as she walks to an opening in the clouds. Apparently we have been standing on some fluffy white clouds, but now we are by an opening in the clouds where we can see the Earth far below when we lean out a little and look down.
A big Eagle comes flying and tells us to get up on his back, so Grace, myself, and my spirit guide all step up on Eagle’s back, and he flies us all the way down to Earth.
We are in a park-like landscape; trees, wide areas of grass, a little lake. The lake is in a valley, and grassy hills go up to a bench standing on top of one of the hills. There is a view over much of the landscape from here.
Grace looks in the direction behind the bench and suddenly gets excited. She sees Paula and Tina come walking towards us. Surprised, they bend down and embrace Grace, kiss her, and tell her how much they love her.
Grace greets them warmly and smiles:
“I am doing fine, as you see – and I brought you a gift.”
Grace gives Paula the daisy, saying:
“This white and yellow flower is a symbol of the purity of my love for you, and the joy we have had. May you find that joy again in your heart, as you walk forth now. My love is with you at all times, and my gratitude for all that you have done and been for me.”
Then Grace runs over among some trees and brings back a soft pink flower, a rose, that she gives to Tina, saying:
“This rose is a symbol of the unconditional love I have for you and that I hold for you. Let the pink-colored energy hold you, and comfort you. Have focus on self care. You are the ‘ever unfolding rose’ as the card from Rebecca Campbell’s Work Your Light Cards says.”
Grace then speaks to them both:
“It is so good to see both of you. I really appreciate you, your companionship, your loving care, and all the joy we have had.
In your grief, don’t forget the joy. Go for walks and let the laughter be mixed with sadness when you reminisce and when fond memories come to mind. Share them with me, and know that I am by your side in spirit.

Create a celebration ceremony, to celebrate our life together. It is so much more than a ‘memorial ceremony’. Bring joy to it as well, for joy and light is what I especially brough to your lives.
That little spark of light I lit in your hearts when we met: Let it light up your heart and your life as you move forward in your lives.
My heart is full, of gratitude, of love. I send my love and thankfulness to you all with all my blessings.
All is well. Release the challenges of the last days and worry no more.
I love you all so much Now and forever.”
Grace stops speaking and jumps up and sits on the bench between Paula and Tina. They both have a hand gently on Grace, and they all sit peacefully looking out over the landscape.
A beautiful white swan lands on the lake. Ripples go out in all directions where swan landed, and after a while, the water gets still again. The swan is very graceful.
As I think of that, Grace looks up and smiles her beautiful smile to us.
Up at the top of a tree to the right of us Eagle is sitting.
Grace says:
“He will take me back to the Light afterwards. I am a lucky one. I have so many who care about me. I feel so blessed that I am loved. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Gratitude, let that help you heal. The more you move into a state of gratitude, the more you move into peace. I will be on my way back now, but we will meet again. Just call on me, and I will be by your side.
Walk in peace.”
As she says that, Eagle lands before us, and Grace says goodbye to Paula and Tina, and walks up on Eagle’s back. They wave to her as they watch Grace fly high up in the skyr and disappear into the light.
With gratitude in their hearts, Paula and Tina walk home with their gifts, the flowers from Grace.
I give thanks and end the journey.

A syncronicity
After receiving Grace’s message, Paula wrote:
“Grace died on my birthday – the white daisy is the April birthday flower. I will always remember the day that we lost our sweet girl.”